Things you don't like/hate about Ibiza.


Active Member
Ok so we all love the white isle, no doubt about that. However i bet there is something about the place what everyone hates or shall we say dislike! I'll go first!

I have only 2 real pet hates:

1. Pick Pocketers in clubs -

My first time in Ibiza this year and every club we went too there was someone waiting for the opportunity. We was in Es Paradis for the water party and my mate being too off his face to care left me with his wallett. Next minute i know i feel a hand hit the wallet turn round and some little foreign lad trying his luck, was about to retaliate but saw he had 5 of his mates ready to back him up, luckily he didn't et anything!
Also had similar instances at Amnesia & Privilige with people trying to pick pocket! Yes i realise this happens in other p[laces, countries etc but would really put a downer on your night if you suddenly realised you had money nicked!

2. Ticket sellers -

I don't have a problem with them doing their job but come on, when we say "no thanks" please leave us alone and move on instead of trying to talk us into something we are not interested in.

Apart from that i absoltley love the island! :D
Brits on tour
Stag / hen parties
The West End
Beach sellers
Pushy italians in Amnesia
The Siesta
Drinks prices
the afterhour ban maybe? :spank: :lol:
else - not much, they just should stop construction finally!
i can live with the ticket prices (still a rip off), but the drink prices are just so unfair.

thats one thing i hate, water should never be 10euro!
I hate how the big cheesy pop stars seem to have taken over -

David Guetta
Swedish House Mafia
US rappers playing gigs in Ibiza now.
Dont hate anything but things I dislike are;

People who dont respect the Island and treat the place like a public urinal/crack house
That the locals dont kick the crap out of certain tourists more often
Too many looky looky men with their prostituting friends
Local Taxi drivers who think they own the roads
Plastic furniture
Tip plates
Pretentious service
The Anti- San An brigade
Oversized Sunglasses
Muffin Tops
Ben Sherman Shirts
Package tour operators
GPS Hotels
So many things to love about Ibiza, my only real "don't like" is the price of water in clubs !
Not so much a hate, but it gets frustrating every time I walk past Mambo's or Savannah's in the day time and I find I'm walking to the sound of the beat. Then, I become self concious and look around, and sure enough people sat around have noticed I'm walking to the beat.
my gripe is the amount of VIP space that's given in the clubs - what happened to everyone being inclusive and equal?

I just want to feel the love again in the whole club.......

(Now where's those plans for the time machine .... I know I put them somewhere!! :spank:)
Love it all - rampant commercialism and all...

Will never be going to FMIF anyways.

My only gripe is that dancing (a basic human right) has been penned in by the disco mafia and the days of dancing freely on beaches is red rover.

£££ spoils everything. :rolleyes:
Love it all - rampant commercialism and all...

Will never be going to FMIF anyways.

My only gripe is that dancing (a basic human right) has been penned in by the disco mafia and the days of dancing freely on beaches is red rover.

£££ spoils everything. :rolleyes:

That would be my only gripe this year... I felt ushuaia rolling over left a bit of a void of the balearic beach/club feel from the last couple of years...
Sometimes (when walking down any street) there is a smell like on open sewer.

  • Too much graffiti.

  • Too much dust from random car parks.

  • Too many 1/2 finished buildings, they look a mess.
English seasoners who think they're the bees knees cause they are doing a season(most aren't like this) and then can't tell you anything you don't already know about the island cause all they do is ho pub and work.
English who live there(purely because I don't but want to I can't hide my jealousy :D)
The tossers that try and put those bit of string on your wrist and then charge you for the privelege of being manhandled. Tell you what love let's do a deal, you let go of my arm... and i won't break your nose. How does that sound?