Things The Americans have given the world and are proud of!

N8 said:
Anyway, where would the net be without the computer....and who invented that? ;)
It's a long evolution that goes all the way back to the Chinese and the abacus. There was a mechanical calculating machine (edit: Babbage's Difference Engine) in 1800s England, which I'm guessing you are referring to, but choosing that is like choosing any other precurser along the way.

As for the digital computer:

The modern computer era commenced with the first large-scale automatic digital computer, which was developed between 1939 and 1944.

This device, the brainchild of a Harvard graduate, Howard H. Aiken, was officially known as the IBM automatic sequence controlled calculator (ASCC), but is more commonly referred to as the Harvard Mark I
Addendum: While work on the Mark 1 started first, in 1939, German engineer Konrad Zuse had apparently completed his program-run digital calculater, the Z3, as of 1941.
I did ;)

Still Babbage :p

As for the programable digital computer then it's Turing...a great man terribly let down by his country :evil: :(
Finally! The cavalry has arrived. Where have you guys been all day!

Sorry to get in so late, Morbyd, but seems like you are holding your own against the raptors!!! Pack hunters they are ;)

Americans "give", that is all...
Morbyd said:
N8 said:
jeembo said:
N8 said:
Anyway, where would the net be without the computer....and who invented that? ;)

Charles Babbage!

Corrrrrrect :D
Read my comment above re: Babbage's counting machine, the Difference Engine.

By your power of reasoning, God invented the computer!

Babbage is popularly accredited with being the founding father of the computer and using binary. Therefore it's Babbage. Next you'll be saying Logie Baird didn't invent the telly, but rather the people who did the first paintings!!

naddyz said:
dw151174 said:
chewie_oo7 said:
dw151174 said:
Morbyd said:
jjinit said:
Don't get me started on US women vs. UK women :twisted:

why it because we have something which is far superior to you lot and you won't be able to argue the point? :lol:

*waits for PachaGirl to log on*


is she attractive?

PachaGirl's a little hottie :p

Luv ya naddy xoxo 8) Agreed about Brad Pitt too... and Josh Duhamel... purrrrrrr :twisted:

HAHAHAHA dying while reading these responses. Morbyd, my god... you impress me more every day with your fabulous smarts my darling :p I am sorry I can't write more... work is HUGELY busy this week and I gotta go for a lil bit. I am also not in the mood for arguing this morning... it is FRIDAY and I'm in a fantastic mood... also hung over from my "Friday Eve" (bripmon's phrase) wine bottle assault last night lol.

Yet another Bash America bash on the Spotlight... I have to laugh. Party on!!

jeembo said:
Soemone do a list of Scots inventions!! 8)

hollow pipe drainage - Lord Drummore
microwave ovens - refer to magnetron
the mackintosh coat
Dolly the sheep
sticky postage stamps - Scot James Chalmers

fashionable skirts for men

its shite being scottish, we're the lowest of the low. some people hate th'english, i don't, their just wankers, we on the other hand are colonized by wankers...
Benson said:
Smith & Wesson :confused:

Well since Benson mentioned Smith & Wesson, I might add that the two most important inventors when it comes to firearms from the US are concerned are:

John Moses Browning - Inventor of the Browning Automatic Pistol, that later on became the Colt 1911. He also designed the BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle), that was used extensively by the Allies in WWII. For those of y'all who are not gun nuts like me the BAR was used by one of the guys in Lock, Stock and Barrel; yeah the big machine gun.

Eugene Stoner - He designed the AR-15 which became the M-16. Eugene Stoner and Mikhail Klashnikov's products really defined an era (Cold War).
I love: Miles Davies, Charlie Parker, Aretha Franklin, Louis Amstrong....
summertime sang by Aretha and Louis is really awesome...terrific, and more songs :D :D