things that should be banned from the dancefloor

The ‘lady train' (I like that term) is a HUGE personal grievance of mine in clubs. Usually girls who are there dressed like extras from TOWIE who have no idea about the night / music but want their photo taken at the front for facebook. Can usually be quite aggressive in their barging too!

I don't remember clubs being quite as bad for this years ago, its this new generation of horrible little slags who think they are famous or deserve to be as they have 500 followers on twitter. I blame the internet and reality tv.

This.Celebrity culture is out of control. I also blame the ITV network.
This.Celebrity culture is out of control. I also blame the ITV network.

Could do without the celebrity culture... People like Paris Hilton would be just another girl who made a porn rather than some superstar who is about to release an album and become a superstar Dejay