things that should be banned from the dancefloor

Oh and can I also add people who feel the need to give me a dig in the ribs cause they can't see past/over me? I'm pretty tall and on several occasions I've had people actually give me a jab in the side for no reason other than they happen to be behind me and are short!

The obvious response is an 'unintentional' elbow to the forehead.
People blocking stairs, exits, or small walkways annoy the hell out of me.

Oh, and lager louts who are out looking for a fight rather than to enjoy the music
-When I kindly move out of the way to let someone pass by me (because they look like they're going somewhere) and instead they take my spot!

THIS! Also people who don't dance in front of you, they just stand and stare :spank:

+ Couples who for some reason just can't control theirselves and persist on giving a softcore porn show, usually right beside you, get a room
THIS! Also people who don't dance in front of you, they just stand and stare :spank:

+ Couples who for some reason just can't control theirselves and persist on giving a softcore porn show, usually right beside you, get a room

If I was in a room surrounded by people standing and staring and people almost having sex, I would leave the lap dancing venue and go to a nightclub.
-People who stop and have a conversation at the top of the stairs (often the only entranceway on to the dance floor!!)

-When I kindly move out of the way to let someone pass by me (because they look like they're going somewhere) and instead they take my spot!

-Women who spend 15 minutes in the toilets!!

-Women who miss the toilets- why are women's toilets so disgusting?

-People who stand right in front of me

- and not to sound like Danny Tenaglia, but... "put away your fu cking cameras!!!"

First 2 are so true. 3rd doesn't really bother me (probably because I am a guy). I am sure the mens toilets are a lot worse than the womens. Agreed about number 5. Number 6 I kinda agree with but then again when someone asks you to take a picture of them and their friends, it can be a good conversation starter. I am not really into all of the taking pictures and uploading thousands of them from a night out onto facebook though.
I am sure the mens toilets are a lot worse than the womens.

Working in various bars for the best part of a decade, you may be surprised to know that the women's toilets are vile. Proper disgusting. The gent's are a walk in the park in comparison!

Doesn't seem to matter whether you're in an up market establishment or the proper grots, the female's always seems to be worse than the men's!
Saw this thread and thought of this.

Working in various bars for the best part of a decade, you may be surprised to know that the women's toilets are vile. Proper disgusting. The gent's are a walk in the park in comparison!

Doesn't seem to matter whether you're in an up market establishment or the proper grots, the female's always seems to be worse than the men's!

+1 and they take sooooo f**kin long to go and when they do come out, normally 2 or 3 birds come out of one toilet - wtf is that all about, jesus :spank: