things that should be banned from the dancefloor

The LadyTrain part is spot on...

I'll go one further than that: any kind of linking arms / holding hands on the dancefloor should be completely prohibited imho! Whether it be a whole conga-line of people, or just a couple!

You're not part of the cure! You're part of the disease!!! :lol:
-People who stop and have a conversation at the top of the stairs (often the only entranceway on to the dance floor!!)

-When I kindly move out of the way to let someone pass by me (because they look like they're going somewhere) and instead they take my spot!

-Women who spend 15 minutes in the toilets!!

-Women who miss the toilets- why are women's toilets so disgusting?

-People who stand right in front of me

- and not to sound like Danny Tenaglia, but... "put away your fu cking cameras!!!"
I agree with the Lady Train... I remember once when about a dozen had interrupted my dance moves, I had to break one in half!
The ‘lady train' (I like that term) is a HUGE personal grievance of mine in clubs. Usually girls who are there dressed like extras from TOWIE who have no idea about the night / music but want their photo taken at the front for facebook. Can usually be quite aggressive in their barging too!

I don't remember clubs being quite as bad for this years ago, its this new generation of horrible little slags who think they are famous or deserve to be as they have 500 followers on twitter. I blame the internet and reality tv.
i can't get on that link as its too risque for my work's firewall

what is a lady train?
basically a line of girls, hand in hand, barging through the crowd to get near the front /someplace so they can usually just stand there looking 'pretty' and take pcitures of each other for instagram/facebook/twitter purposes.:twisted:

bobble heads is how i'd describe them.

or mini fearne cottons.
-People who stop and have a conversation at the top of the stairs (often the only entranceway on to the dance floor!!)

-When I kindly move out of the way to let someone pass by me (because they look like they're going somewhere) and instead they take my spot!

-People who stand right in front of me
These three drive me batsh1t crazy. :evil:
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It mentions pints, but when it cost the same amount than a bottle I'll take my chance and get a pint
-People who stop and have a conversation at the top of the stairs (often the only entranceway on to the dance floor!!)

-When I kindly move out of the way to let someone pass by me (because they look like they're going somewhere) and instead they take my spot!

-Women who spend 15 minutes in the toilets!!

-Women who miss the toilets- why are women's toilets so disgusting?

-People who stand right in front of me

- and not to sound like Danny Tenaglia, but... "put away your fu cking cameras!!!"

Spot on ! This is my top 5 too ! Top 6 actually, just don't get the camera thing...
It mentions pints, but when it cost the same amount than a bottle I'll take my chance and get a pint

Pints in nightclubs = false economy

Distance of a tap on the bar from the cellar in your typical pub - a few feet.

Distance of a tap on the bar in even the smallest nightclubs to their cellar - 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 metres... more...

Quality just isn't going to be there for lines that long.
-When I kindly move out of the way to let someone pass by me (because they look like they're going somewhere) and instead they take my spot!

This x 1000! I can tolerate most things but on a busy dance floor when someone tries to get past me I will generally move out the way to allow them a route through the humanity. If they then move into the space I've left, stop and try to make it their own (often without even acknowledging the fact I've just moved out of their way, meaning I'm stuck in a sort of sideways type stance) then I would like nothing more than for them to spontaneously combust leaving only a pile of ashes which I would happily then dance upon :D

Oh and can I also add people who feel the need to give me a dig in the ribs cause they can't see past/over me? I'm pretty tall and on several occasions I've had people actually give me a jab in the side for no reason other than they happen to be behind me and are short!