the world's most hated travellers

aussie's & israeli's rock!!! :twisted:

that is all.......

you can't leave it on a cliffhanger like that! Reasons, girl!

she does this all the time; comes on here, drops a chaos bomb and then fuks off for a week :lol:
I've never had a problem with the Americans I've met. (well, apart from one ;) ) The kind of American who travels overseas tends to be a lot more open-minded then the hick stereotype we're fed on telly.

the worst are working-class English by a mile. Other countries export cars and fine wine. We export pondlife...
I've never had a problem with the Americans I've met. (well, apart from one ;) ) The kind of American who travels overseas tends to be a lot more open-minded then the hick stereotype we're fed on telly.

For once Olly we are in total agreement!

aussie's & israeli's rock!!! :twisted:

that is all.......

Even tho I come from Australia, I'm of Italian herritage and all I can say is THANK GOD!

They're absolutely right about the bad dress sense and poor linguistic skills.

best travel buddies for me would be
1) Pissup = Irish, Welsh, Jocks, Ausies Kiwis
2) Party = Brasilian, Trinidadians
3) Laugh = Americans
4) Chance of a shag = Cubans, Venezuelans, Sweedes
5) Sports = Aussies and Kiwis
6) Chance of a fight = English
I almost agree, except Ausies for a pissup, no way. Kiwis yes, they're fantastic, but Ausies, nup. I've seen way too many, and at everyone I've been to I've left thinking "that was the gayest thing I've ever seen".

Brazillians to party with... YES!! and Italians and Greeks and the English aswell.
But thats because the parties I play at here mostly have alot of Italians because, well, I'm from the Italian community here so I understand the culture more than I do Anglo Australian culture. Same as Greek and English well, they're just great people. Some Americans also.

And before I forget sorry.

Serbians and Croations (Despite the history) are also great to party with.
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you've gotta love em. They're the best of 2 extremities. They're either really polite and mild or really loud and leary. But they're great. I love both extremities.


Explain yourself! :twisted:

hehe... sorry morbs but from my experiences travelling with yanks, they are the most annoying, whinging & well...... annoying!:lol: i will never forget travelling through turkey for a month in "98 with 3 guys from new york.... every single dinner, there was comments like "omg, this place is filthy... what the hell is THAT on my plate?, why is toilet paper for serviette's yadda yadda yadda" :rolleyes: maybe it was just them..... but GOLLY GOSH! :lol:
i dumped them in instanbul...... i then headed to barcelona & by some fluke i meet up with some other yanks & we all went to dinner.... when the plate of seafood arrived they freaked out cause "OMG THIS PRAWN HAS ITS HEAD ON IT" & "THAT FISH IS LOOKING AT ME" bwahahahaha.......:lol::lol::lol: i can only go on my own experiences.... & to me, most of the american's ive travelled with think everything is better in the states....

so i tell them to stay there! ;)
hehe... sorry morbs but from my experiences travelling with yanks, they are the most annoying, whinging & well...... annoying!:lol: i will never forget travelling through turkey for a month in "98 with 3 guys from new york.... every single dinner, there was comments like "omg, this place is filthy... what the hell is THAT on my plate?, why is toilet paper for serviette's yadda yadda yadda" :rolleyes: maybe it was just them..... but GOLLY GOSH! :lol:
i dumped them in instanbul...... i then headed to barcelona & by some fluke i meet up with some other yanks & we all went to dinner.... when the plate of seafood arrived they freaked out cause "OMG THIS PRAWN HAS ITS HEAD ON IT" & "THAT FISH IS LOOKING AT ME" bwahahahaha.......:lol::lol::lol: i can only go on my own experiences.... & to me, most of the american's ive travelled with think everything is better in the states....

so i tell them to stay there! ;)
You obviously just got a couple of bad batches. Most of the Americans I know who travel a lot are the exact opposite of that - very open to new experiences, including culinary ones!
You obviously just got a couple of bad batches. Most of the Americans I know who travel a lot are the exact opposite of that - very open to new experiences, including culinary ones!

I agree with Morbyd.
All the yanks I've met travelling turned to be great partners.

In my opinion the stereotipes about nationalities doesn't work when you travel, specially when you on the alone back pack thing ;)
Definitly, as soon as I get money to pay the so expensive flights I will.
At the moment considering a forthnight in New York in summer ;)
You obviously just got a couple of bad batches. Most of the Americans I know who travel a lot are the exact opposite of that - very open to new experiences, including culinary ones!

Gosh this is a controversial subject isn't it?

You can't write an entire nation off with general sweeping statements like this.

I'm trying to stop myself coming up with quotes because the context is wrong.

But I'm failing... :lol:

"The parks over here aren't as good as we have them back home. You guys don't have teetertrotters in your playgrounds!...also I think it's bizarre that all you guys never seem to drink hot milk out of sippy cups. What? You don't know what a sippy cup is?" :eek: (uh?)

Generally they're not all as bonkers as the above though and I find English people abroad just as embarrassing if not moreso.
in Turkey i had most trouble with German / Russians but then saying that our hotel did mainly cater for them! we were the minority
what the **** is THAT supposed to mean??? australian's are australian's....... meaning italian, spanish, greek, english, frikkin somalian....... :rolleyes:

It means I'd rather be Australian/Italian than be Australian of traditional Australian herritage. I don't like Australian customs and traditions. I don't so much like Italian ones either. But I don't like the Italian ones beause they cut into my time.

I'd rather be doing something else than doing all the crap that comes with Italian family life style. But of those things I'd rather be doing, none of them are traditional 'Australian' things. I like the people, just, I don't understand the culture.

And we talk like a bunch of retards with broken jaws by the way. Thats just, truth. Its all about the pallette of the tongue. I watched a documentary about it. ... Tho, I think we're just so lazy we can't even be ****ed talking properly tho :D
It means I'd rather be Australian/Italian than be Australian of traditional Australian herritage. I don't like Australian customs and traditions.


can i please ask what customs & traditions you are referring to because i'm confused.....
& somewhat annoyed that AN AUSTRALIAN is ****ting on their own country!.....:spank: