The Lunch Thread


We haven't done one of these in AGES. Who's in?

I'm home sick today :(

Currently boiling an old turkey wing out of the freezer to make some broth. Trying to decide between noodle soup or black bean soup but I think I'm going with the latter 8)
We haven't done one of these in AGES. Who's in?

I'm home sick today :(

Currently boiling an old turkey wing out of the freezer to make some broth. Trying to decide between noodle soup or black bean soup but I think I'm going with the latter 8)

italian sausage pasta 8)
Home made rolls & snacks - very dull but I cant afford to buy lunch out every day in the City of London.

Going to go have a drink in Starbucks though to get out of the office in a bit - rocknroll 8):lol:
It's a toss up between half a tin of Spaghetti Hoops and a wholewheat bagel or the leftover buffet from my bosses meeting....buffet looks far more tempting at the moment
I have got extra low fat cheese triangles, cracker breads and homemade carrot soup - VERY BORING but 9 weeks till Bikini time :cry:
Vegetable soup and 2 pieces of whole meal bread

I have eaten this preety much every day for the last 4 years :rolleyes:
Home made rolls & snacks - very dull but I cant afford to buy lunch out every day in the City of London.

Going to go have a drink in Starbucks though to get out of the office in a bit - rocknroll 8):lol:

i only pay a fiver my lunch. The joys of having a client who runs his own eatery.
I have got extra low fat cheese triangles, cracker breads and homemade carrot soup - VERY BORING but 9 weeks till Bikini time :cry:

:lol: I know that feeling well. I have promised myself Abs of Steel for my September trip....but I promise myself that every year and it never happens!
:lol: I know that feeling well. I have promised myself Abs of Steel for my September trip....but I promise myself that every year and it never happens!

Ditto over here. Off on holiday on Friday and have been pummeling the gym in the hope of looking half decent in a bikini. Oh well, the photos will tell whether it worked 8) The weather forecasts are looking pretty rubbish anyway so odds are I may have to wear jeans & sweaters the whole time :spank: :lol:

Got a girly hen do in June... 2 months of solid hard gym work & dieting before that one!

Oh yes... lunch. One small ham salad roll, a banana, apple, nuts&fruit. (Boring) :(
Ditto over here. Off on holiday on Friday and have been pummeling the gym in the hope of looking half decent in a bikini. Oh well, the photos will tell whether it worked 8) The weather forecasts are looking pretty rubbish anyway so odds are I may have to wear jeans & sweaters the whole time :spank: :lol:

Got a girly hen do in June... 2 months of solid hard gym work & dieting before that one!

Oh yes... lunch. One small ham salad roll, a banana, apple, nuts&fruit. (Boring) :(

Thats like mine. My snacks involve fruit, nuts, snack a jacks. Boring as hell.
I just had asda microwave chicken piri piri and rice 3 pieces of seeded toast with flora extra light a packet of beef monster munch and some feta cheese and pepper sandwiches brought home from uni
I had a ham sandwich with a pack of walkers baked crisps and a can of pepsi max.
I have something similar most days. :(
I'd be lost with out that and my three cups of tea.
Hmm, major caffeine addiction I think.