The Judge has budged from Radio 1

Is there a major problem with Eden?
Never been in there for more than half an hour. Had a free wrist band to an RnB night, so saw it for about 10 minutes before decided we'd had enough then left. :lol:
I don't mind Eden. Very convenient if you're staying in San An & usually easy to get free passes. Caught Stanton Warriors playing there once - wasn't busy, but their set was awesome.
Dance anthems back on a Saturday from 4-7pm with Danny Howard. Not the best time as it falls over final score :lol: but a great addition I'd say.

Who is this guy? I heard him briefly selcting a Random live lounge track on Fearne cotton this morning and he picked paramore ,friendly fires and MOLOKO Time is now, he actually said, Hmmm,, Moloko, never heard of these. Hardly an ambassador for Dance anthems!!!
The DJs on daytime radio 1 are kids... Before I got my ipod dock for my bedside, I'd sometimes listen to 'early breakfast' if suffering from insomnia. The twunt that does that hadn't even heard of Born Slippy.

You want 6 Music during the day and only to listen to specialist DJs on radio 1... the rest are truly clueless.
Do you know every single dance DJ, artist, act thats been around?

Moloko are hardly obscure.

Maybe we just need to realise that radio 1 is for the kidz now and any current DJ needn't have any knowledge that goes back further than 5 - 10 years.
Nearly all the decent dance-orientated clubs in Bristol have gone now:( Creation used to have Sundissential (and that's now a Ritzy-type club). You take your life in your hands going anywhere near there or The Thekla thanks to the lovely mix of beer-boys and crackheads. The Lakota is the latest victim after a 15-year-old guy died on the dancefloor in there. The coroner said he had over 5x the expected dose of MDMA in his system. The Depot and The Maze went which only really leaves the Black Swan on the Stapleton Road- another delightful area for messed up folks to walk through after a heavy night:(

Motion is still going no? Had a few decent nights in there
Motion is still going no? Had a few decent nights in there

I went to 'Cocoon' there on a Saturday end of last year as a stopover en route to Heathrow for the Sunday red-eye to Berlin.

First impressions were good and the staff were very friendly. However, the sound segregation between the main room and the arch/bar area is terrible. The initially friendly crowd was very self-conscious / parochial and got progressively more drunk towards the time I had to leave at 3am.

The main room stank of something between a vomit bucket and a teenager's bedroom in the morning by 1am. Vibe-killer party treats in widespread use. People being ejected left right and centre for drunkenness. Bunch of Welsh boys trying to cruise me on one side and several with girls in tow strutting around possessively like a bunch of kids thinking anyone there on their own must be 'on the pull' on the other.

All in all, my arrival in Berlin could not have highlighted much more clearly the limits of regional clubbing in UK (although London too has its "issues" !)
I went to 'Cocoon' there on a Saturday end of last year as a stopover en route to Heathrow for the Sunday red-eye to Berlin.

First impressions were good and the staff were very friendly. However, the sound segregation between the main room and the arch/bar area is terrible. The initially friendly crowd was very self-conscious / parochial and got progressively more drunk towards the time I had to leave at 3am.

The main room stank of something between a vomit bucket and a teenager's bedroom in the morning by 1am. Vibe-killer party treats in widespread use. People being ejected left right and centre for drunkenness. Bunch of Welsh boys trying to cruise me on one side and several with girls in tow strutting around possessively like a bunch of kids thinking anyone there on their own must be 'on the pull' on the other.

All in all, my arrival in Berlin could not have highlighted much more clearly the limits of regional clubbing in UK (although London too has its "issues" !)

That sounds pretty poor! I've actually never gone there for a 'big' night when the main room has been open, usually spent all of our time on the outside terrace or in the arch room where i've heard some fantastic stuff over the years. This was a while back though, and i'm fully aware of how Briz clubs can change for the worse pretty quickly!
Well Jules night in Ibiza seems to be getting stronger this year.....

This well may be the last year for Sundays in it's current format if Jules gets more into his legal work , it will be interesting to see how many of the usual suspects stay with the JS ship this year . I have enjoyed JS in the past but I realise times are indeed a changing.
This well may be the last year for Sundays in it's current format if Jules gets more into his legal work , it will be interesting to see how many of the usual suspects stay with the JS ship this year . I have enjoyed JS in the past but I realise times are indeed a changing.

I think he'll definitely keep this going as long for a good while yet.

He doesn't have to be at every event and if he can carry on having hosts like Ferry & Eddie it can last a long time IMO.
Nearly all the decent dance-orientated clubs in Bristol have gone now:( Creation used to have Sundissential (and that's now a Ritzy-type club). You take your life in your hands going anywhere near there or The Thekla thanks to the lovely mix of beer-boys and crackheads. The Lakota is the latest victim after a 15-year-old guy died on the dancefloor in there. The coroner said he had over 5x the expected dose of MDMA in his system. The Depot and The Maze went which only really leaves the Black Swan on the Stapleton Road- another delightful area for messed up folks to walk through after a heavy night:(

Lakota recently reopened, mainly D&B nights there at the moment, but that may change as it becomes more popular again. As it's already been said, Motion is the big dance club in Bristol now.

I've been to Timbuk2 quite a lot. It's quite small and basic but the mainly young crowd are up for it and it's all about the music not the surroundings. Again it's mainly D&B/Dub but you get some stellar Techno & House DJ's on occasion. A proper old school sweatfest!