The end of the West End?

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After Corona we will have more poor people.
That means : The Problem will be bigger in the whole balearics .
And : There is a market for drugs and prostitution and so on. That means there will be people who offer it.
Look at Pacha at 5 in the morning. Its the Same, but only the high gloss version.
if they were to turn the area into a mixed offer - bars, cafes, restaurants, galleries, streetfood, stalls, live performers etc, then I could see it working if they say went down the Boxpark route (see Box Park London), which has gates and security guards on all entrances. that would take some investment and would wipe out the drink till you drop market whilst drawing in people with the cash and willingness to spend 10E on a burrito. Listening to the mayor I get the impression that would be his dream solution. How you get to that is the key thing though, and how do you do it in a way that isn't just a carbon copy of everywhere else.
agreed. I think it's gonna be a very difficult transformation this
I can't see the clubs opening next year and I say alot more hotels will go for the beach club/pool daytime stuff for guests only so they can keep track on everyone.. more adult only places for this kinda stuff and families in other parts of the island
if they were to turn the area into a mixed offer - bars, cafes, restaurants, galleries, streetfood, stalls, live performers etc, then I could see it working if they say went down the Boxpark route (see Box Park London), which has gates and security guards on all entrances. that would take some investment and would wipe out the drink till you drop market whilst drawing in people with the cash and willingness to spend 10E on a burrito. Listening to the mayor I get the impression that would be his dream solution. How you get to that is the key thing though, and how do you do it in a way that isn't just a carbon copy of everywhere else.

The Box Park idea is a great one, it also allows the units to be shall we say Retro/Rustic/Shabby Chic and means they dont need a big refurb at high cost.

As you say Security at all entrances would help. A few cut-throughs may need to be fenced off. Id have no issue being searched on my way in the West End if it meant getting rid of the muggers etc. Can also give the area a new name and signage as a true rebrand.
how do you do it in a way that isn't just a carbon copy of everywhere else.

I would argue that you cant...

While pleasant, what you just described is a 'formula'. It will feel just like a sanitized street fair from anywhere else in the world. If that's what the people want, they (residents and tourist) just have to live with the fact that the uniqueness of the place will be lost along with the smell of urine and vomit.

I am a bit fond of the wilderness of WE and would rather keep it wild, but things change. The kids will find another place to party, on Ibiza or elsewhere. Prediction: I think the financial strain of the last year (and the next couple) will make it an easy choice for the community to leave things "as-is" for the moment.
I would argue that you cant...

While pleasant, what you just described is a 'formula'. It will feel just like a sanitized street fair from anywhere else in the world. If that's what the people want, they (residents and tourist) just have to live with the fact that the uniqueness of the place will be lost along with the smell of urine and vomit.

I am a bit fond of the wilderness of WE and would rather keep it wild, but things change. The kids will find another place to party, on Ibiza or elsewhere. Prediction: I think the financial strain of the last year (and the next couple) will make it an easy choice for the community to leave things "as-is" for the moment.
I agree with you on that... I've been going there for nearly 30yrs and I still get lost..
They managed to clean up Times Square in NYC, I'm sure they can do the same in the West End, just open a massive Disney Store, problem solved!

You dont get dealers, hookers and pick pockets in Disney land! :D
All that land is worth a bit isn't it.

Compulsory purchase the lot by the municipal authority, level it all. Start up - build pretty hotels, a mall, exceedingly expensive apartments - Cash in - restaurants with big famous chefs as patrons, a swanky art gallery or three - Sell out.

Bro down.
All that land is worth a bit isn't it.

Compulsory purchase the lot by the municipal authority, level it all. Start up - build pretty hotels, a mall, exceedingly expensive apartments - Cash in - restaurants with big famous chefs as patrons, a swanky art gallery or three - Sell out.

Bro down.

The issue is some of the ugliest buildings are on the marina front such as that really tall 70s apartment block, but are just outside the West End you couldent get Marina or Sea views in a new West End building without destroying more things.

Also the big patch of wasteland near the Sunset strip has been empty for decades, despite having some of the best views on the island, im not sure the demand is there
The issue is some of the ugliest buildings are on the marina front such as that really tall 70s apartment block, but are just outside the West End you couldent get Marina or Sea views in a new West End building without destroying more things.

Also the big patch of wasteland near the Sunset strip has been empty for decades, despite having some of the best views on the island, im not sure the demand is there

CP that monstrosity too. Then implode it.

I'd love to know the real, actual truth behind that patch of wasteland.
If the Mayor and Consull of San Antonio had any sense they would be using the downtime to come up with a steadfast plan to sort the area out. That way they could approach the island Consull and say, "Hey, we've come up with a wonderful new idea how to smarten the West End and screw money out of tourists that doesn't involve vomit or finger-banging in doorways at 5am". I think they'd have more success that way ;)
Ibiza Past (great Instagram page of old photos, go follow) but a picture of the old San An Land Train (aka Noddy Train, Little Train depending on where you are from) and made me wonder why doesn't one run anymore?

Would have thought there is some business to be had there, particularly from the Bay to the Sunset Strip. Know the Aquabus service is good but for many missing out a walk in the hot sun would be welcomed.
Was watching a vlog and got thinking about the west end yesterday

As much as I like it and have nothing against it,... It got me thinking how much time/money have I actually spent there in 15years of coming to ibiza.

I came to the conclusion that it was actually minimal time and therefore not much money either ??‍♂️
Ibiza Past (great Instagram page of old photos, go follow) but a picture of the old San An Land Train (aka Noddy Train, Little Train depending on where you are from) and made me wonder why doesn't one run anymore?

Would have thought there is some business to be had there, particularly from the Bay to the Sunset Strip. Know the Aquabus service is good but for many missing out a walk in the hot sun would be welcomed.
They had one in Cheltenham and it cost a fortune to run and kept breaking down. Problem was every time it broke down they had to send it to Italy to be repaired so they binned it after a couple of years. I would hazard a guess that's what happened to the Ibiza one.
All that land is worth a bit isn't it.

Compulsory purchase the lot by the municipal authority, level it all. Start up - build pretty hotels, a mall, exceedingly expensive apartments - Cash in - restaurants with big famous chefs as patrons, a swanky art gallery or three - Sell out.

Bro down.
I think you are closer to the direction of travel than you think. I wouldn’t be disappointed, it’s always been a mess.

It is very apparent that the authorities have been seeking the gentrification of SA for some time. It started on the seafront, extended around the Bay and at the same time they put new licensing laws and other restrictions in place that has had a profound impact on foot fall on the West End. The regen and restrictions went hand in hand.

I can’t see them knocking it down and rebuilding, the cost would be too great and unnecessary. I do think they will simply regenerate the area and do as you say. The bottom line is that there is less demand for what the West End was. Whether that had been forced or based on consumer taste changing, I don’t know. Maybe it’s both?

SA can get ahead of the game here. In the next generation, most town and city centres will be transformed from shopping, offices and bars to living space with localised amenities to service it like restaurants, convenience stores and parks. This is inevitable.

I hope that whatever they do, they establish some kind of section 106 that creates funding to invest in the area behind and on the way up to sunset strip. There is some serious poverty to address there and the area feels increasingly run down, dark, dingy and unsafe

Next up is that mess that is the road from PDB to Fig. What a dump that is.
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