the death of celebrity

Funny how people take things so seriously. To be honest, she went on Big Brother in order to become famous... she has kinda done that, just not in the best way, but it's not like she can't have been expecting it. Saskia and her family can't expect not to experience a little bit of slagging.

chewie_oo7 said:
careful Drew, she'll send Maxwell and the boyz down to do you over.

He best get down the gym for a few years first then :lol:

A sunbed may improve his 'image' a little too.
FunkyLady said:
Funny how people take things so seriously. To be honest, she went on Big Brother in order to become famous... she has kinda done that, just not in the best way, but it's not like she can't have been expecting it. Saskia and her family can't expect not to experience a little bit of slagging.


I didn't expect anything, because I didn't choose anything. I just don't see what anyone here is gaining by being horrible about her when I've said it offends me.

To be honest, to carry on, after a complete stranger says it upsetting them, says more about some people's need make themselves feel better about themselves than about the people they are commenting on.
It was only a friendly suggestion. As are most suggestions on here.

Don't take it too seriously, that is the key!

Drew said:
He best get down the gym for a few years first then :lol:

A sunbed may improve his 'image' a little too.

d'ya think?

Louise_Sweeney0012 said:
chewie_oo7 said:
did anyone see it on Channel 4 on sunday night?

BB's Max"fackabaaaaht"well and Saskia at the fantastic 4 premier.

Piers morgan to saskia "so would you say yr a celebrity then?"

S: "yes cos i can act as ive taken acting lessons" she says chewing gum. and in a dead im serious voice.


Hey! She's my second cousin, leave her alone!

nice norks :D

what happened to the bloke at Bromley FC then??

p.s 2nd cousin isn;t strictly speaking "family" you could legally marry her if you wanted :D
chewie_oo7 said:
anyone who uses the media to further own "career" is legitimate fodder.

feel free to rip the piss outta me, i dont mind honestly! :D

And a relative who gains nothing from it and doesn't want to be insulted isn't worth showing a little human respect? You couldn't just say, I think x, but saying it is clearly causing a complete stranger distress, so I'll stop, just for now?
jjinit said:
Louise_Sweeney0012 said:
chewie_oo7 said:
did anyone see it on Channel 4 on sunday night?

BB's Max"fackabaaaaht"well and Saskia at the fantastic 4 premier.

Piers morgan to saskia "so would you say yr a celebrity then?"

S: "yes cos i can act as ive taken acting lessons" she says chewing gum. and in a dead im serious voice.


Hey! She's my second cousin, leave her alone!

nice norks :D

what happened to the bloke at Bromley FC then??

p.s 2nd cousin isn;t strictly speaking "family" you could legally marry her if you wanted :D

See that's not insulting, it's funny. Most of these wankers don't know the difference.

Not spilling about her ex though.

thats the difference betwixt me and chewie, he's a tad bitter as he's been knocked back for BB for 5 consecutive yrs :lol:
jjinit said:

thats the difference betwixt me and chewie, he's a tad bitter as he's been knocked back for BB for 5 consecutive yrs :lol:

Really? That would make sense. I can't see any other reason why anyone would carry on like this.

I feel sorry for him now. But I shouldn't I suppose.
chewie_oo7 said:
jjinit said:

thats the difference betwixt me and chewie, he's a tad bitter as he's been knocked back for BB for 5 consecutive yrs :lol:

i know. oh how i tried to start my career as a tabloid whore.


anyway JJ, just cos someone found u funny, dont let it go to yr head.

remember Kevin Keegan

Christian Gross?? :evil:
Louise in all fairness your cousin put herself in the public eye, she (and her family) should expect to get criticised. Ok you don't like it, but you can't expect people not to talk about the latest BB contestants just because you're on the board. It would be different if you were with a group of mates in the pub, out of courtesy for you as her cousin, people wouldn't bitch about Saskia. But you're on a public message board, people post on here about The Queen, George Bush, various DJ's etc etc, they're obviously going to talk about Big Brother too.

Don't let it bother you, no-one on here really knows Saskia like you do anyway ;)
you better monitor every forum on the internet then.....

I think i've saw posts taking the piss out of the lot of them on every forum I go on.

If you don't want to hear it you will have to hide..... far away....

I'm sure you have bad mouthed someone from the TV that you don't know anything about. :rolleyes: