Ten Walls Homophobic Rant....

Well don't want to be importunate, but i don't get one thing: how all this deals with music? After all he has said, does Walking with Elephants sound somewhat different or what? It's not the anthem of last year's openings anymore? It's like 'rotten' and smells bad, we are to delete it from our playlists?

Why shouldn't we than reconsider cultural value of all classical music taking into account what was their authours' attitude to gay community and listen to Tchaikovsky only?
Well don't want to be importunate, but i don't get one thing: how all this deals with music? After all he has said, does Walking with Elephants sound somewhat different or what? It's not the anthem of last year's openings anymore? It's like 'rotten' and smells bad, we are to delete it from our playlists?

Why shouldn't we than reconsider cultural value of all classical music taking into account what was their authour's attitude to gay community and listen to Tchaikovsky only?

I do understand. This is one thing society has not quite got our heads round - who do we divorce ourselves from artists we love when their views / actions we don't agree with and / or are illegal...... Michael Jackson was a genius in pop music..... but just because of what he supposedly may or may not have done..... do we delete his music = no!
This is one thing society has not quite got our heads round - who do we divorce ourselves from artists we love when their views / actions we don't agree with and / or are illegal

One thing I'm almost sure: should he be a cardiac surgeon performing coronary artery bypass on heart of almost any of his current ardent opponents instead of being a musician, the last thing those ppl would care of is whether he is homophobic or not.

Anyway, let's believe in good in life - he said he apologize, I'd give him another chance. Not too many really talented guys around:)
I dunno. After what he said, all I can think is he's a tw*t and I don't want him to have any of my money.
I dunno. After what he said, all I can think is he's a tw*t and I don't want him to have any of my money.

This is basically what it boils down to. He's in a business where essentially he is a product.

I originally started typing a reply about internet shaming (i was thinking of this article about Justine Sacco), and how people who make mistakes on social media should be afforded the opportunity to show contrition and educate themselves but having thought about it some more, its not like hes just been fired from his job etc. He's essentially irrevocably destroyed his own brand. Regardless of apologies or any future statements he makes djs won't play his tracks, people won't buy them, promoters wouldnt wanna be associated with him and even if he did get booked somewhere folk would just rather not give him the money.

Hes f***ed.
Ps. For the record i found the views he expressed disgusting. But before i saw this thread i'd never heard of the boy.

Seems like i'm the only one who doesn't think it's funny.

I like what Ten Walls's been doing in terms of music and won't join this persecution which reminds me of preliminary school pupils' behavior. Probably, it's tied to that I was raised in a place where people do not make themselves out being in a great sorrow after several indecent words. I would express my humble opinion, not intending to offense anyone, that gays should do smth with being so thin-skinned and touchy, so that one facebook post won't hurt their lifes so much.
Listed @ kappafuturfestival here in Italy in July but the promoter just fired him with a post on their FB
This is basically what it boils down to. He's in a business where essentially he is a product.

I originally started typing a reply about internet shaming (i was thinking of this article about Justine Sacco), and how people who make mistakes on social media should be afforded the opportunity to show contrition and educate themselves but having thought about it some more, its not like hes just been fired from his job etc. He's essentially irrevocably destroyed his own brand. Regardless of apologies or any future statements he makes djs won't play his tracks, people won't buy them, promoters wouldnt wanna be associated with him and even if he did get booked somewhere folk would just rather not give him the money.

Hes f***ed.

I agree. Although I wouldn't call the backlash persecution- at some point when clicking the 'post' button he would have known that what he was saying was provocative and liable to offend.
If someone said this in my presence I'd have a go at them. By publishing it online for the whole world to see he's invited people to disagree with him and to put it simply, made himself rather unlikeable.

Seems like i'm the only one who doesn't think it's funny.

I like what Ten Walls's been doing in terms of music and won't join this persecution which reminds me of preliminary school pupils' behavior. Probably, it's tied to that I was raised in a place where people do not make themselves out being in a great sorrow after several indecent words. I would express my humble opinion, not intending to offense anyone, that gays should do smth with being so thin-skinned and touchy, so that one facebook post won't hurt their lifes so much.

Obviously different cultures will react to this kind of thing in different ways. Some gay people might not be offended at all by this. I'm not gay and I find it offensive.
ten walls not playing cocoon neither this summer.

(off-topic; villalobos is in good form tonight so far)
Ten Walls, sounds like something i used to see after taking too much acid in the 90's, are you all kids on here or am i getting old lol, ive never heard of this dj ,i don't really know a lot or cant really be dealing with much of todays dance music especially that EDM nonsense, but granted a poor choice of words all the same from "Ten Walls"
Ten Walls, sounds like something i used to see after taking too much acid in the 90's, are you all kids on here or am i getting old lol, ive never heard of this dj ,i don't really know a lot or cant really be dealing with much of todays dance music especially that EDM nonsense, but granted a poor choice of words all the same from "Ten Walls"
The sad thing is, that he actually produced some half decent tracks. No idea about him as a dj?
People getting outraged by the dumb comments of someone they've never heard of. Welcome to the internet 2015

ps/ the guy will simply change his name...
On the contrary, all of the outrage has come from within the industry: promoters, agents, colleagues, peers, venues & fans.

And his real name is out there in the public domain now. Okay, he could create a new alias for production, but he really has upset a lot of ppl. Would you want to show your face again having been publicly ostracised by your peers like he has?
He'll just reinvent himself, wear a mask, find god, whatever. He has loads of publicity now and ultimately money talks. If mike tyson's allowed back from the pr swamp then so is anyone...
Yes, those gimmicks may fool the general public - but ppl within the industry are not so easily fooled.

He needs to do a lot of soul searching, and he'll need to make amends with some kind of gesture. It'll need to be big whatever it is.
we've been here before though - jason donovan, donna summer... Media shitstorm, then everyone kissed and made up in the end.

This guy sounds like a twerp but we're all giving him free publicity aren't we?

Ultimately though, i think most people getting smashed in clubs don't give a toss what the guy playing the records does other than play more good records and all promotors know that..