Ten Walls Homophobic Rant....

some "celebs" say controversial things to create "buzz"

this type of neanderthal thinking is just career ending stuff
Did someone forget to tell him that House Music was born in the gay clubs of Chicago!

I assume Cocoon will be ditching him too! I can't imagine Sven sharing a platform with after saying this. I mean there are more than a few of us gays inside and outside the DJ booth at Cocoon...... ;)
he just killed his career by himself...just look on the posts on facebook...Dennis Ferrer by far the best comment so far! Such an idiot!!
His spin is that he's cancelled all his shows.
On the bonus for him... if he has the standard artist contract he'll get to keep his money I imagine.
Sadly in my country he also would be more than welcomed (Russia)..

Quite annoying howerver is that those tolerance standards seem to be considered more important than music itself nowadays. I mean, if we judge dj for what he says rather than for what he plays, isn't it also kinda weird?
Dennis Ferrer:


Today may very well be one of the saddest days I've had in my musical career. Today I think we all have witnessed a point of view which had no sensibility nor the right to be shared within the very community that had allowed this very person to have a career in the first place. The Gay community is the foundation of which house music was born...it is the roots from which our tree has grown from. This point of view that has been taken is akin to looking your mother straight in the eye...spitting in her face...calling her a dirty whore...and then saying..."I need a new pair of sneakers mom....can I please have the money for them?" At this point it's ARE YOU F'in SERIOUS? And a retracted post and sloppy apology has further enflamed it all.

Now I know everyone in the scene is calling for his head....saying this is 2015 DAMNIT!! But I honestly don't know how to feel about this situation...before you all lose your minds....let me explain:

Dance music's culture is a culture of tolerance. It is where black mingles with white, majority with minorities, gay with straight, languages with sign language all for the one common goal of the freedom of expression. The freedom to dance like the world is going to end...the freedom to look like a freak but be considered normal. The freedom to get as high or drunk as you want and someone turn the other cheek. We can't chose which freedom is right or wrong in our culture. With this being said.....let us all take an honest look at something we might have not all considered...

What if being gay is against this person's religious beliefs?

In the tenets and testaments of the "big three" choosing this way of life is an extreme no no. So....Shall we berate, isolate and destroy someone's career because of a religious belief?
And in doing so are we all ready to begin to carry around atheist membership cards to be shown at the entrance of every venue we would want to enter or play at?

Is this not against the very thing we all cherish?

Food for thought...

In ending...our culture is a culture of secrets...

He did break the rules....

And in our house those rules are:

1. Don't say sh*t that will offend me or my guests


2. How about you don't say sh*t at all!!

(Special thanks to Dan for bringing these out of me in a reply lol)
I know he's said he's cancelled all up coming gigs, do people think thats it for him with regards to Ibiza this summer?
That's the only 2 gigs i can think of

I'm with Dennis Ferrer on this one. I am gay, but at the same time I don't think everyone should be persecuted JUST because they have a different view about who I am..... Now we can all debate this, but as disco died, went under ground, it was the gays that started moving towards, and creating the house music genre. The thing that is so bad about this is not that he is homophobic (I can deal with that), but that he hates the very people that created the art that he creates, and that he's in an creative industry that has a high number of gay people working in it. On top of the fact that music is supposed to be about tearing down barriers and escaping the World that you leave behind when you enter that nightclub.....