Tattoos are just plain ugly..

cool I have 3 always planned mine out. The drunken rush to a tattoo is always a mistake.

Tell me about it :twisted:
Got a nottingham forest badge tattoo'd on my forearm when I was 19.......10 years later and I just start to wonder why :rolleyes: Saying that, I would have all removed given a chance and perhaps go for a full sleeve on one arm leading to chest and shoulder. But defo one of the ones who didnt think properly before I got them done.

H.O.T 8)
:eek: Jesus he was brave for more than one reason :lol:

Not a fan of that but do love tatoos 8)
Got myself just the one, 'Sister' on the inside of my right wrist, courtesy of a Tatooist in Thailand, wicked place to get them imo as i paid half the amount i would of here :D