Taking the plunge...

Jam Man

Active Member
After thinking about it for a few years, Mrs Jam and I have decided to pack in the UK and take the Jamlets to live overseas for a few years.


Well a number of reasons. We've fallen out of love with the UK, and the way society seems to be heading. Continuing to live here is a bit like staying in a marriage that isn't working on a number of levels simply because it's easier to do nothing rather than be brave, grasp the nettle and look for true happiness.

The Jamlets aren't getting a great standard of education despite our meticulous searching for a school, and our choice of location (below) gives us the solution.

Our criteria was quite strict in that it had to be a "sponsored" move, e.g. paid for by one of our employers, had to be a warm climate and (rightly or wrongly) a country with English as a prominent language.

We looked at:

Australia / NZ - Felt just too far from home even though I loved the place last year.

USA - Maybe one day, but the unemployment rate and economy is not great right now

South Africa - Mrs Jam can't get past the security issues

So, prompted by a good offer from my employer, we're heading to Dubai next Month.

Not everyone's cup of tea, but we holidayed there (and Oman) in October last year and all loved it. My work has taken me to the region a lot over the last year, and we have friends already settled over there.

Anxious, excited, apprehensive and many more emotions right now, but deep down we know we're doing this for the right reasons.

Anyone want to buy an Audi Q7?? :rolleyes::lol:
Awesome move. That's where im hoping to be in a couple of years. Love it out there - :D8):D Are you prepared for the July/August heat though? Ive never experienced it :twisted:
Best of luck to you all. Im sure you'll ask yourself in a few years time, why didnt we do this sooner.........

May the road rise up to meet you and the wind be always at your back:)
wish i had your balls mate, have a great job here at the min plus the wife has 2 more months of uni, think we would both love to jump ship but stuck at the min, good luck to you and the family
Must be something in the water for people wanting to leave the uk! ;) Good luck with your move, hope it works out for you. Me and my husband have recently decided that we are going to give living in Ibiza a go :D
Wow good luck dude,

I will be due in Dubai soon ( my company has an office there) so maybe meet for a beer and bacon sandwhich lol !.

Let me know if ya need a private jet, ( if there going to give you a spare 40 - 50 k)
Cannot fault any of your reasoning, the UK is going to be a total hell hole for the next couple of decades.

Very best of luck m8, Hopefully you will be keeping us posted on progress?

Congratulations too :D:D:D
a beer and bacon sandwhich
I think there will be a limited number of places in which to enjoy those 2 delicacies :lol:

Big move, Jamster.

I've only been to the airport but from what I've read it's not really the place for me.

That said, expatriate life is often rewarding and hopefully your employer has made it worth your while.

I've got some friends (Australian & Russian) that moved down there so ping me on FB if you want some contacts.
Wow to say im jealous is an understatement :lol:

The way you summed up our relationship with this sh*t hole country was bang on :evil:

As for the destination - Good choice for manier reasons!

When i was a wee nipper i lived in Abu Dhabi for 3 years on and off and LOVED IT....and i was about 4, thereabouts :lol:

Went to an all english school and was thankful to my parents for the expereince. We did have to go swimming everyday because my god the heat was unbareable back then so can imagine what its like now :eek:

Im talking like 20 years ago now and obviously Saudi has excelled itself and got vaster and richer :twisted:

Good luck with the move and watch out for weddings on the side roads and be sure to cover the kids eyes when they get the camels out for the famous ritual they have :lol:
Good luck, although Dubai is a country I couldn't personally live in. ;) It may look fine and shiny on the outside, but there are just too many dark undercurrents.


Much as I like the occasional moan about the UK, I think we live in a pretty decent country (and that's me in a scabby ex-mining village in the west of Scotland :lol:).

It is not just Dubai, there is a third world under class putting food on the table around the world.
They call it the maid's room apparently...

Thats my favorite room in the house;)

all the best to you Jam Man - hope all works out

I guess you've done shedloads of research already on adapting to the heat, cultural differences and the political situation in that part of the world - if it was me, they would be my main areas of concern

out of interest, what are you most disenchanted with in the UK?