Swedish House Mafia Announcement

:lol: I'm toying with that idea. How did it go? Did everyone else keep going?

Do it! I was broadcasting on internet radio while doing it so there was activity in the chat room, nearly all the people grabbed some sleep, my might cleared off to the loo and didnt come back for an hour and a half! I was occupied with the mixing so staying awake was easier, but at 6.30 am I was struggling and nearly nodded off but then got second wind as the sun came up and palyed right through the day, being daytime and having visitors pop in and to chat to in the chatroom really helps. Pick your start time carefully and dont drink too much early on, which is the mistake I made.

I did it close to Summer Solstice, more day light hours and will definitely do it again next year, it helps others and its a great excuse to party all day and night at home!