sven vath or sanchez?

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There is no competition-Vath is the only option on Monday night (having spent the day at DC10)
u werent much help on this one robo ;) ....ok so whats the scoop on DC10...ive heard lots about it but never it during the day? is it fun?(well thats an obvious question) i think i meant how fun is it? What kind of music is played there? where is it? Im coutin on a lil better info on this one robo ;)
pachabloke80 said:
u werent much help on this one robo ;) ....ok so whats the scoop on DC10...ive heard lots about it but never it during the day? is it fun?(well thats an obvious question) i think i meant how fun is it? What kind of music is played there? where is it? Im coutin on a lil better info on this one robo ;)

DC10 is absolutely fab, it's my fave along with Sundays @ Space. It kicks off Monday 6am for all the Space casualties but the terrace doesn't open til 9am and it doesn't really get going til 10am. So I tend to leave Space at midnight, chill for a bit, get a couple of hours kip and get to DC10 around 10am feeling fresh. The music is similar to Space, dirty funky tribal house. The residents are fab - Jo Mills and Tanya Vulcano plus you get surprise guests turning up. I've seen Danny T, X-Press 2, Tongy, Lottie etc there. It goes on for as long as ppl are still dancing lol, the latest I've been there was 10.30 Monday night. The crowd are great as well, real cosmo crowd of all nationalities.

Have I persuaded you yet :P ;)
u let me down once again not gonna consider u honorary member anymore...ur a newbie in my books :D ....haha jk.....Barbie u got me convinced....where is DC10?? u can probably do more convincin when i see u at jet...but im sold right now

-the bloke
DC10 is very close to the airport (hence the name-the club is under the flight path).
AM > DC-10
PM > I was never fan of Vath so I'll go with Sanchez (but I can't see myself going to Pacha for 3 consecutive nights - Sanchez, Underwater, and Subliminal)
DC10 totally rocks, it is probably one of the best clubs in my opinion because the vibe there is unbelievable. By all means go! That means you too Robo. ;)
This year for me, would pick sven over roger for a bit of variety instead of going to pacha 3 nights in a row, but alas i have to go to manumission as i'm with some mates who have never been before. :? DC10 IS A MUST :lol:
Cheers Bob, it'll be tough but it's a sacrifice im willing to make for the good of my :D