Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents - Ibiza

Do you have to have done drugs to know the difference between someone who's been drinking and someone who's on a pill?

No. Theres less "love" with alcohol.

The more seasoned pill takers have less tells, but the younger, rookie kids you can spot a mile off.
The more seasoned pill takers have less tells, but the younger, rookie kids you can spot a mile off.

I can take the tiniest wee bit of something and people will know I'm on something before I even know I am myself. :( It was most embarrassing when I dropped a tiny bit of meph (~100mg) while out with colleagues and one of the smart arses kept asking me if I wanted to dance. She obviously thought I was on a pill. (This was 1.5 - 2 years before meph went mainstream.) I still have no idea what I was doing to give it away, especially when I could barely feel it.
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I can take the tiniest wee bit of something and people will know I'm on something before I even know I am myself. :( It was most embarrassing when I dropped a tiny bit of meph (~100mg) while out with colleagues and one of the smart arses kept asking me if I wanted to dance. She obviously thought I was on a pill. (This was 1.5 - 2 years before meph went mainstream.) I still have no idea what I was doing to give it away, especially when I could barely feel it.

people who know you (especially women) will always notice change in normal behavior more so if you are a "reserved individual" without them.

Some people act Paranoid when taking stuff and this is a sure tell also:)
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I get really crazy eyes (bright blue so any pupil enlargement really shows). I'm also quite a fidgety person generally and expect I might go into overdrive without really realising. This was in the days before I got paranoid on meph...

Don't ask me about the date I went on thinking I'd come down from a modest dose of meph but actually hadn't. :spank: Last year had a lot of bad moments and that was definitely up there.
saying"IM OFF MY TITS"is another give away..must say i havin had molly since september but watchin that doc on BBC3 last night my weekend in ibiza next month cant come quick enough.:D
I'm not even a parent. :lol:

Even as someone who will spend time in the west end, my hatred of shoddy, voyeuristic reality TV shows quickly overtook any interest I had of seeing Ibiza on the box. They seemed just to be dragging out the cliches of Brits behaving twattishly abroad.
i take it you're a 'modern parent' and don't mind what your kids get up to?

Are you suggesting it was the norm for 'old fashioned' parents to be some kind of perverted wierdos spying on thier childrens every move?

The ultimate objective of which remains a mystery so far as this programme goes?
Weird show isn't it?!

I can imagine what my daughter probably gets up to on a night out (she's 18), but the last thing I'd want to do is sneak around and see it for myself! :confused:
Don't forget the repeat's available all the time on BBC's i-player via the web.

If any son or daughter of mine did what I got up to on holiday I'd thump them round the earholes and tell them to stop being so ruddy boring!!
I'm surprised no ones mentioned Spotlights very own member & owner of Sue Pinks bar being a main feature in the Programme but other than that in general the Programme was shoddy. However the look on the dark haired girls face when her friends mother showed up was priceless for she looked gutted if not a tad angry:lol: that her holiday privacy had been invaded by her friends mother and the auntie snooping. :oops:

NB: I wonder if any of the young people who took part in the programme are or have been members or visited Ibiza Spotlight before the programme was made?
Well, I managed to watch it last night.
Some thoughts
- it didn't do Ibiza any harm
- the programme looks too easily set up (ie take the tattoo joint - of all the ones to go to, they turn up at that one just at the right time. Yeah, right. I reckon as part of the (paid-for-in-full?) trip the kids must have had to agree to do certain things at certain times. Just really handy that behind the boat they went on, there was another with a cordoned-off area to view the first?
- sod the kids, that mum was HOT. Bit rough and ready, but I could soon middle-class her!! Ropey Burnley accent though!:(
I watched this, thought it was quite funny, the lad was a real 'mummy's boy' though.
I think the voice over said near the start that the lead girl had saved all year for her holiday?
However I think they were led by the nose and put through hoops,obvious that nearly everything was set up-pre arranged, suppose they just wanted to be on telly...
The reveal (I think) was real,the group of girls sat outside pink panther's looking really peed off,cameras on them,then....oh dear !

On a side note the mother of the girl seemed very relieved she was not wearing dungarees...
The lad seemed more aware of what was happening around him,until later in the week ;)
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Does anyone know what hotel/Apartments the parents stopped in? Looked a fairly decent establishment for San Antonio and wondered where it was......:rolleyes:
Does anyone know what hotel/Apartments the parents stopped in? Looked a fairly decent establishment for San Antonio and wondered where it was......:rolleyes:

Not in San Antonio.........Port De Torrent. The Barcelo Pueblo. Not sold on here so you will have to book elsewhere:)