absolutely sick what that english girl did, karma will get her,,,,,what kind of sick f***head would want a selfie with a corpse?
http://www.diariodeibiza.es/pitiuse...romero-eivissa-convertido-destino/945248.html"Un 'concierge' me describía la imagen de una prostituta arrojada por la borda de un yate en el puerto de Ibiza después de prestar sus servicios."... even if the service wasn't up to scratch there's no excuse at all for that !
have seen pics days ago but the the video today
it doesnt sound good to be drunk in ibz streetspickpockets angry locals & so on
Drunk brit beaten by localsuk version for non spanish readers
he doesnt deserve this,whatever prick he can be, guys BEHAVE!
Actually maybe that is a bit much. But certainly i found everyone to be very pleasant, certainly didnt feel any resentment.
Dunno, but sitting earlier, opposite over the bay saw Balearia's Pinar del Rio come in and suddenly stop in an unusual place!Has a ferry really struck a pier in San an just now....!?