Stop the Thomas Cook Group Trying to Change Ibiza !!!

being a father of 4 kids i have stayed all inc on quite a few holidays over the years(only twice in ibiza though)...for me it was mainly for the kids could go get a coke ,ice-cream, burger etc.. whenever they wanted and not keep hasseling me and wife for money....i always visit my favorite restaurants and bars whether all inc or not..would drive me mad eating same every night
gotta be honest me and the girl would always do 4/5 days all inclusive to just chill and see more of the island[car] fly over mon/tues then for the other 7 days i have a serious villa booked for us two and all the mates who would arrive on sat morning for the week, i have the food/drinks sorted in the fridge and then its party time[for me this is the best way to do ibiza and we have done this for the last 10 years 2/3 times every summer]......... i can understand what people r saying but you wont stop all inc to many people lov/need it and as bigboy says if you have a family its much better for the kids drink/food/kiddies club etc etc ..........................
some people never leave the complex[which is sad] as the island is fantastic as we all know but you cant beat 4/5 days on the beach chilling with your free drinks/food before the madness starts ............

roll on the opening partys
c'mon olly, have you somehow missed that LOTS of british (no doubt others too) like to go on holiday, eat egg and chips from a greasy spoon and then drink pints of stella, whilst watching only fools repeats by day/football by night and then doing karaoke and riding the mechanical bull.

Keep them well away from Ibiza. :)
Do they bring tea bags and kettles to the hotels too?
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All-inclusive Rejected

The AGM of the Pimeef's section for bars and restaurants centred round the increase
in all-inclusive holidays for summer 2010.

President Pedro Ortiz said all-inclusive was unnecessary on an island such as Ibiza
where there was an extensive offering of bars and restaurants outside of the hotel,
adding the new trend will seriously affect his members.

He continued by claiming that tourists needed to be lured away from their hotels
by better service and quality in the surrounding businesses,
the only way members' would be able to fight the increase in all-inclusive places.

However, despite this friction he said his members were willing to co-operate
with hoteliers, a pact which would be to the benefit of both,
as the client was more likely to return if he/she had enjoyed themselves.

Ortiz also voiced his disagreement with the Government's resolve to raise VAT levels,
although he said the decision had already been taken and so he felt
it was a waste of time and energy to protest at this late stage.

He finished by revealing that it is no longer obligatory to get the official price-list
of bars and restaurants stamped by the Island Council,
although all establishments will still have to display them.

"... President Pedro Ortiz said all-inclusive was unnecessary ..."

hahahahaha ... this clown wants to tell holidaymakers
what is "necessary" for them and what not ...
You obviously haven't met the British. At least some of them anyway!
All they want is to sit by the pool all day, attached by pipeline to a tanker of lager, and while away the hours singing monotonous football songs.
For evenings repeat but insert "bar" for "pool".

A happy consequence of this though is that the British middle-classes generally give Ibiza the swerve. If you've ever been to somewhere like Tuscany, the south of France or the Greek islands and had your tranquility shattered by insufferable, braying dolts in chinos from the Home Counties you'll know exactly what I mean.
For years the thought of all inclusive was an anathema to my idea of a good holiday. I like to get out and about, try different bars and restaurants etc.
However both i and the world have changed. i am no longer single and we have a young child. Children are happier in a place they know and do not particularly enjoy walking around looking for different places to eat- and often if you find a restaurant the kids like you end up using it a lot anyway-so much for choice!
For the first time ever we have booked to go a/i. Some of the more snobbish types will no doubt be pleased however to hear we are taking our business to Lanzarote. We will obviously be wearing union jack shorts, drinking beer (god forbid) , singing football songs and watching Eastenders) . This is the first "main holiday" that i havent spent in Ibiza for 8 years.
Some people do need to face facts -the economy is in meltdown (and will get worse), the pound has crashed through the floor and ibiza was getting damn expensive BEFORE the recession.
I am sorry but a four star A/I for 3 people at £1300 for a week in Playa Blanca is good value in difficult times. My family has an apartment on Ibiza, but school holiday flights alone are in the region of £800 (once we have had to pay for a tiny suitcase, check in fees etc). Last year we spent £1000 in a week (and that was watching what we spent). In case some people havent noticed a jarra in a ("nice")restaurant is £3 to £4 in San Eu, Ice creams (Walls/Frigo) seem to be double the price they are in the UK. The "Main" meal price list increases year on year by a couple of euros...
I still hope to get to Ibiza twice this year, but looking at a Thursday to Tuesday long weekend in June I have been quoted £550 for the flights alone (with only one case between 3). Add to that £30 each way for a taxi (if i can get one...dont get me going about Ibiza taxis...) and already transport costs are over £600 just to get to the front door - thats hardly a bargain!
I do not intend sitting around in the hotel all day everyday BUT and this is an important but, lifes been tough this year, we have worked hard, gone through quite a bit and to be honest...a week sitting by or in the pool or on the beach without having to worry about whether we can afford another beer or another ice cream, and just chilling out in the sun is perfectly acceptable as far as i am concerned.
If Ibiza tries to make decisions for it's customers they will go elsewhere and may not come back. Perhaps the answer lies not in trying to make up for lack of bookings by putting UP prices and blaming the customer for their lack of discretion but maybe in attractively priced alternatives to a/i. If you dont believe me....try and see how much you have to pay for a 2 bedroom apartment in a complex with a pool in San Eu this August!!!!!
So was all the fuss over anything? I think I know 2 dozen people that stayed in Ibiza this summer and only 2 girls stayed AI over in PDB. They soon regretted it when they realised how expensive it was to join their friends over in San An every other day! Spent most of their time at the beach during the day. To be honest I'd be very surprised to see a Cancun style AI hotel in Ibiza of the same quality. Probably because I've mainly seen the cheaper ones. Can you imagine going AI at Pisces Park?!
For years the thought of all inclusive was an anathema to my idea of a good holiday. I like to get out and about, try different bars and restaurants etc.
However both i and the world have changed. i am no longer single and we have a young child. Children are happier in a place they know and do not particularly enjoy walking around looking for different places to eat- and often if you find a restaurant the kids like you end up using it a lot anyway-so much for choice!
For the first time ever we have booked to go a/i. Some of the more snobbish types will no doubt be pleased however to hear we are taking our business to Lanzarote. We will obviously be wearing union jack shorts, drinking beer (god forbid) , singing football songs and watching Eastenders) . This is the first "main holiday" that i havent spent in Ibiza for 8 years.
Some people do need to face facts -the economy is in meltdown (and will get worse), the pound has crashed through the floor and ibiza was getting damn expensive BEFORE the recession.
I am sorry but a four star A/I for 3 people at �1300 for a week in Playa Blanca is good value in difficult times. My family has an apartment on Ibiza, but school holiday flights alone are in the region of �800 (once we have had to pay for a tiny suitcase, check in fees etc). Last year we spent �1000 in a week (and that was watching what we spent). In case some people havent noticed a jarra in a ("nice")restaurant is �3 to �4 in San Eu, Ice creams (Walls/Frigo) seem to be double the price they are in the UK. The "Main" meal price list increases year on year by a couple of euros...
I still hope to get to Ibiza twice this year, but looking at a Thursday to Tuesday long weekend in June I have been quoted �550 for the flights alone (with only one case between 3). Add to that �30 each way for a taxi (if i can get one...dont get me going about Ibiza taxis...) and already transport costs are over �600 just to get to the front door - thats hardly a bargain!
I do not intend sitting around in the hotel all day everyday BUT and this is an important but, lifes been tough this year, we have worked hard, gone through quite a bit and to be honest...a week sitting by or in the pool or on the beach without having to worry about whether we can afford another beer or another ice cream, and just chilling out in the sun is perfectly acceptable as far as i am concerned.
If Ibiza tries to make decisions for it's customers they will go elsewhere and may not come back. Perhaps the answer lies not in trying to make up for lack of bookings by putting UP prices and blaming the customer for their lack of discretion but maybe in attractively priced alternatives to a/i. If you dont believe me....try and see how much you have to pay for a 2 bedroom apartment in a complex with a pool in San Eu this August!!!!!

The Man has a point.
He has a very good point and I really think it depends on what you want from a holiday. If I had a young family I wouldn't be looking at Ibiza as a destination for a lot of the reasons mentioned above. I go there when there are a group of friends getting together and all going at the same time. We all enjoy the same sort of music and that is what we are there for. We dont do much through the day, recover, maybe spend a bit of time on the beach and sometimes even sleep!

When I went to Cancun it was with my girlfriend and we just wanted to relax, chill by the pool and be waited on. We read many reviews and made sure the hotel we chose had an excellent selection of restaurants and good reviews for the food. I think out of 14 days we went out only 4 evenings to the local clubs and did half a dozen excursions. It was a great break, but the difference between somewhere like that and Ibiza is night and day. I came back completely relaxed, whereas I'm still recovering from my return from Ibiza now several days later!