

Bit of a weird one, but for you guys, how much is too much in terms of Ibiza?

For example, the past few times I've been, we've tended to hit the superclubs every night for a week or so, but I must admit that by the 5th or 6th night I start to feel a little sluggish.

I have no issue with going wild in the clubs and dancing for 5/6 hours because you can cram in a few hours sleep when you get back in the morning and then chill by the pool all day. But then again, I've gone to day festivals where you arrive at midday and I'm f**ked by about 8pm. Maybe it's the heat and dehydration from excessive drinking, I don't know.

So in terms of stamina, how do you guys all get on? I'm a little nervous about this as his year we are planning on doing Ushuaia in the days and then superclubs straight after on quite a few days, which will essentially be a 5/6pm-7am stint.
Just drinking can knock you for six, but I tend to find I have a completely different attitude at certain events etc. So your normal Saturday night in the UK I will be drinking hell for leather, but stick me in a decent club or in Ibiza and I am much more conservative. I will drink to a point and then knock it on the head of have maybe one drink an hour or so in order to keep topped up and going.

If anything else is involved then after a couple of nights I start flagging, but just try and get a decent sleep at some point as abit of a reset.
Too many variables to compare with other types of clubbing:

climate, mind-set/attitude, cost...

Just know you're own limits. It's one thing being too tired, or "sluggish", quite something different to be drinking or drugging yourself into oblivion.

I'd say if you're only feeling tired by the 5th or 6th night then you're doing pretty well.
exactly this. when I came to ibiza as a tourist I always did it that way and it worked perfectly fine for me.

Don't see the point in just slamming it every night, ends up costing an absolute fortune and you enjoy the nights you go to less as you're too exhausted.
Eat healthy, drink water, sleep/rest when possible (not always easy!) and vitamins and electrolytes. ;)

I normally go for the closings, I need all the help I can get!
I eat properly and drink properly everyday, and try and get out and see the island always setting my alarm for regardless of what time i'm leaving the club.

But still do a superclub everynight, sometimes 2 a night as well as daytime parties e.g. Ushuaia, Destino or beach bars.

Make the most of it.
well my stamina is definitely not what it used to be! Yesterday was the worst hangover Ive ever had after 4 days boozing. That was even after going home early the night before! Having a villa with a large supply of alcohol can be dangerous!
well my stamina is definitely not what it used to be! Yesterday was the worst hangover Ive ever had after 4 days boozing. That was even after going home early the night before! Having a villa with a large supply of alcohol can be dangerous!
My rule of thumb is after a (particularly) heavy drinking session on the Saturday - it's Tuesday until you feel absolutely tip-top at work. A Friday and Saturday combo it can be Wednesday before feeling fine.

A weekend 'super-combi' i.e. with the Super Sunday sesh added then it's generally the following Friday 4pm until I feel better...
Went out on the lash all day saturday and I still don't feel 100% human. I guess the thing you usually forget in Ibiza is that you're not against the clock the same as what you are at home, so no need to start drinking at the same time. I've also started paying for an extra night in the hotel so I get a lie in on the last day.
Minimum day on and day off, I am 43 now though so not as fresh as I used to be.

If there for a week, probably two BIG nights outs and I get absolutely trolled, afterwards I sit on the balcony talking nonsense and normally hit Itaca for opening. Spirits, shots, beer and normally other nonsense before force feeding myself something decent yo eat early evening and in bed for about 8pm.

A good friend of mine advised that swedgers don't have the same effect the day after, so you need to give your body and brain a rest. Also vitamins that I listed before are a huge help and made a huge difference for me.
it went , boozy night , wow its sunny lets get boozey , bit hungover but its the birthday girls day so cant complain , f*** im hungover but i gotta cook a bbq so lets drink through it, then oh my god im dying...
Honestly, if you are ever feeling sluggish, get a bottle of Buckfast Tonice Wine (chilled preferabbly) and drink it in under 10 minutes.

There isn't a narcotic on Ibiza that can provide the charge that it does, mix it with some other stimulants and you'll never go to sleep. A tried and trusted method of every Glaswegian who has ever been to the White Isle
What's all this shit I'm reading about sleep? :rolleyes:
I always intend to do a night on night off and unless I'm with the family it always goes day on night on times 3 with no sleep then I crash and hit a wall and feel impending death for 24 hours or so o_O
I can still manage the sessions as good as I ever did even at 32 I always want to carry on but when I get home the complete reverse of that magical high kicks in and I'm on the verge of suicidal :mad: