spotlight server slow?

off the top of my head...

something to do with the web server (apache) waiting around doing nothing the whole time keeping open connections for individual users. where as actually, after a page has finished loading it should terminate that process and go help someone else load a page.

because there are only so many connections possible for a web server (visitors to the webpage, ltd by ram), if these connections are hanging around doing nothing, apache quickly runs out of possible connections which leads to new visitors having to wait around whilst the page loads and apache finds some resources.

more or less :)
I am likely the only one here who understands this :lol:

Reminds me of that opening part of the movie The Social Network where "Zuckerberg" is tech-babbling on about what he's doing, and I sat there going "oh, that makes sense" and then realize that I am just a geek :lol:
I am likely the only one here who understands this :lol:

Reminds me of that opening part of the movie The Social Network where "Zuckerberg" is tech-babbling on about what he's doing, and I sat there going "oh, that makes sense" and then realize that I am just a geek :lol:

My degree is in Comp Sci, with my dissertation based on developing web games.
I get it too ;)

Yes, it seems slow on my end today too.
Seems to be more on posting data to the server, rather than getting data from it.
At least, that's the case for me.
we had a slight hiccup yesterday, but all's well again today (i hope) ;)

Worse than ever today, James.

Two minutes plus to get this reply window up. The problem seems indentical in nature to the last time, blue back ground showing for a few minutes before the post/ reply window pops up.
Fits n starts for me,but then i cant tell too much seeing my boss isnt sorting the poxy internet out at work :evil: as its also buggered :confused:
mine's ok i think, not sure. upload might be a bit slow

anyone see the game last night? crackin goal by nobby stiles.