Spotlight Bicycle Club


We've go the running club thread on here so I thought it fair that us bicyclists have their own little corner. :D

I bought a new bicycle about 3 weeks ago and went for my second ride on Saturday. All told, about 25 km (interspersed with stops for a couple of beers, an ear of corn and a sandwich along the way :lol:)

I know secret Agent man is a fellow rider. Who else? What's your routine?
My steed, which I hardly ever use....

I have a Trek Y5 do about 30K a week. My knees are shot and I can't run anymore. I do a bit of mountain biking also depends how my knees feel.
I have a Trek Y5 do about 30K a week. My knees are shot and I can't run anymore. I do a bit of mountain biking also depends how my knees feel.
I could barely walk for a few hours when I was done with my ride on Saturday. My troublesome right knee was particularly unhappy.

Generally feeling better now but I think I'll need to wait until weekend before I go riding again.
I could barely walk for a few hours when I was done with my ride on Saturday. My troublesome right knee was particularly unhappy.

Generally feeling better now but I think I'll need to wait until weekend before I go riding again.

I have a 12 speed with full suspension which is great on the knees
My steed, which I hardly ever use....


Sweet bita kit there, how much was that?

My next bike is likely to be something like a yeti full sus, but getting that past the wife is not going to be easier, it will cost more than the car is worth!

Yes, i love it. Did liverpool to manchester last weekend, but am happier mountain biking.

Currently got some massive bruises and scrapes, came off at lee quarry in north manc in a major way, lost it when mid air on a jump, landed on rocks, dont know how i did not break my hip or arm :eek:

Mrs Agent not happy with me:spank:
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Yes, i love it. Did liverpool to manchester last weekend, but am happier mountain biking.

Currently got some massive bruises and scrapes, came off at lee quarry in north manc in a major way, lost it when mid air on a jump, landed on rocks, dont know how i did not break my hip or arm :eek:

Mrs Agent not happy with me:spank:
How long a ride is that? Is there a trail or do you ride roadside?

I've been keeping to riding along the river embankments here (wider sidewalks, few/no crossings) as otherwise you'd be risking life and limb since drivers here really don't pay attention to puny cyclists :confused:

Still waiting for my first wipeout...
How long a ride is that? Is there a trail or do you ride roadside?

I've been keeping to riding along the river embankments here (wider sidewalks, few/no crossings) as otherwise you'd be risking life and limb since drivers here really don't pay attention to puny cyclists :confused:

Still waiting for my first wipeout...

First few miles along the river on a path, a bit through quiet residential roads & the rest on tow paths etc - 48 miles in total.

My relatively new bike is just so quick it gets me ahead of myself. I seem to come off once every time I go out.
I've got a Specialized Allez road bike, had it for about 2 months. I do between 50-70 miles a week at the minute around the very hilly Cornish roads.

Have always loved cycling and it's getting more and more rewarding the fitter i get. I'm aiming to get up to 100 miles a week before the end of summer and then next summer start entering some Sportif competitions such as this one which a friend of mine did a couple of months ago

Anyone watch the Pro Cycling on tv at all? Tour De France, Giro, Classics etc?
Got a Dahon Matrix - 'hardtail' folder but with full size wheels/frame - I LOVE it though it's stuck at the 'rents as I can't find space for it at my flat. Boris bikes are my trusty alternative steed 8)
Got a Dahon Matrix - 'hardtail' folder but with full size wheels/frame - I LOVE it though it's stuck at the 'rents as I can't find space for it at my flat. Boris bikes are my trusty alternative steed 8)
I'm always tempted to try out these Boris bikes. Great idea, on the surface. Does the system work?

My bike is a folder as well. Russian model called Forward. 24" wheels, six speeds.
I'm always tempted to try out these Boris bikes. Great idea, on the surface. Does the system work?

My bike is a folder as well. Russian model called Forward. 24" wheels, six speeds.

They do, I have a docking station close to my flat and near work, so it's theoretically ideal for me (though admittedly not as ideal as the tube ;) ) though their main drawback is that you can only use them for short journeys and/or where journeys have a shower at the end of them!

They're also built like tanks too, so no nippy darting from a to b, it's more of a workout, but I quite like that about them.

It's also set up a 2 tier cycling community, and apparently the lycra lot don't like the suited Boris riders as they clog up the cycle lanes pottering along :lol:

I've got dreams of going on a cycling holiday thing in the not too distant future, and have visions of getting an airnimal as my next beast (especially as the Dahon is pretty heavy and rugged)


Hubba hubba!

Thats the same model as the bike I currently ride. Except mines in a far better condition. :)
I've got a Specialized Allez road bike, had it for about 2 months. I do between 50-70 miles a week at the minute around the very hilly Cornish roads.

Have always loved cycling and it's getting more and more rewarding the fitter i get. I'm aiming to get up to 100 miles a week before the end of summer and then next summer start entering some Sportif competitions such as this one which a friend of mine did a couple of months ago

Anyone watch the Pro Cycling on tv at all? Tour De France, Giro, Classics etc?

Went to the tour last year, was great, eating cheese and drinking wine whilst waiting for it all to arrive - great fun!

Can recommend the film chasing legends if that is your kind of thing.
I have a Specialized Rock Hopper thats about 9 years old now. I would like to get out on it more but im too lazy / too busy!

I do dream of a Cannondale Lefty Full Suspension tho.
I've got a little runaround that I use to get to work and back every day. Probably about 6 miles there and back.

I had a better bike but unfortunately it got stolen shortly after moving to Hackney :(