"Unfortunately I have to tell you that we will not organize Spinclub parties on Ibiza this season. After having loads of fun for three months last summer on the Space terrace, (if you haven’t been definitely check out our DVD) we were planning to host the whole Space this time! But, our beloved Thursday night was promised to a different promoter. In fact, Space offered us a different night of the week, but this would have been a choice with too many compromises. Since I prefer compromise free partying, we decided not to host an Ibiza season this year. This decision has some positive aspects! We will increasingly organize Spinclub parties at many beautiful places all over the world ... paying respect to the motto of the "compromise-free partying"! Apart from that, I will have much more time to work in the studio and hope to finish a new album! Until the end of the year – it´s kind of time for that! Just as in real life, sometimes you have to be able to accept getting the short end of the stick and make the best of it – or something even better...
See you at the next party,
yours, Chris..."