spilling the beans!!

McRackin said:
sascha200780 said:
my "programm" was so fully packed that i couldn't make it.
sooooo did you like atlantis? ;) ;) ;)

definitely the most impressing place i've ever seen (even though i've just been to ibiza, greece, tenerife and paris). It was easier to find as i thought and for an Austrian mountaineer not too difficult. my girlfriend and i were there very early, so we were the only ones for some hours. could have stayed the whole day. back from ibiza I like at these photos again and again ...

Also loved the view from torre del pirata to Es Vedra. I could imagine that sunset would be great there. And very romantic. Can you tell me Macki, if the sun is sinking into the sea, or maybe behind es vedra or somewhere else?
sascha200780 said:
definitely the most impressing place i've ever seen (even though i've just been to ibiza, greece,
tenerife and paris).
:D :D :D

sascha200780 said:
Can you tell me Macki, if the sun is sinking into the sea, or maybe behind es vedra or somewhere
it depends on the month - in winter the sun sets at the left/behind of es vedrà and in summer,
at the right!! :idea:


a lot nicer in winter though!! ;)
it also depends on where are YOU!! :idea:

obviously it doesnt look the same from here..........


.......... than from up here:


more pictures:

:arrow: excursion to cala d'en sardina (october 24th)

McRackin said:
McRackin said:
last year during the portinatx fiestas there was an event organized on the beach with music, drummers, etc. later that saturday night when the tourists and families left people was invited to an illegal party in a different place that lasted the whole sunday.
the next portinatx dance is this saturday (july 17th)!! ;)
this year the now-usual and every-time-more-popular party in the hills after the portinatx fiestas was in erm, somewhere between portinatx and cala d'en serra!! :twisted:

on a curious note (for those who think illegal parties are over), yesterday on our way to cala d'en sardina we spoke with 3 hippies who were coming from the can fly party at las dalias..........

hippies: are you coming to the party? ;)
us: erm, what party? :o
hippies: yeah, in cala porro*. do you know where it is, right? :twisted:
us: of course man!! :oops:
hippies: if you want to relax.......... :lol: .......... there are 500 locos down there!! 8)
us: qué? 8O

anyway, we though they were taking the piss and our plan was to visit cala d'en sardina so we didnt try to find the hippies. the funny thing is that when we were descending to cala d'en sardina we started hearing the drums and percussions of the psychodelic locos so it was true!! :lol:

* cala porro = cala joint (obviously its not the real name ;) )
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sascha200780 said:
The photo of clot mares - i think - shows the same rock in the background, that you can see from kumharas. So it should be somewhere at the west coast of ibiza.
if you want to find it on a map look for punta de sa pedrera!! :idea:

when the new urbanization is finished and they start knocking down the fishermen houses to build the planned port the area will be totally spoilt........... :cry:
McRackin said:
okay ibiza gurus - how many of you have heard about a place called clot marés? if you know
san antonio well that name will sound familiar to you because of the mercat des clot marés -
but this clot marés has nothing to do with the market and its not even in san antonio. here
are some pictures i took today afternoon in that curious place were probably none of you
has been:

:arrow: PICTURES


McSneaky :P

A little birdy told me that the rocks taken from this hole were actually used to build the castle in Dalt Vila - is that correct or where they bullsh*tting - I believe anything I do!!!! :roll:

The water in there is lovely and warm isn't it - if you don't break your neck on the way down!!! 8O