So who's all up for it this year?

A lot of mid July's. I've been June, Aug and for the Closings. I'm hoping July is a good mix of having all the parties in swing and not being August rammed to the rafters.....anyone been that time before?
A lot of mid July's. I've been June, Aug and for the Closings. I'm hoping July is a good mix of having all the parties in swing and not being August rammed to the rafters.....anyone been that time before?

july is the most complete month IMO, guaranteed good weather, all parties up and running, nice mixture of nationalities and a tad less packed than in august. plus very long days too.
Looks like i'm the earliest here so far! Heading out 20th-27th May, exact same dates as last year! So far confirmed is Sankeys Opening and IMS. Lets hope some more drop soon so I can get some sort of plan in place. Can.not.wait.
Good point. I missed it last year (Not an excuse, but I was absolutely battered from the previous night :spank:) and didn't manage to make it down for a reasonable time. Hoping for a monumental line-up this time around to make up for it!
^ I (personally speaking) would not go to the "closing weekend" again. I would be more than likely to go the week before, eg We Love closing, Cocoon closing etc. Maybe even the "proper" closings as @craig72 would say after the storm has passed?
Looks like i'm the earliest here so far! Heading out 20th-27th May, exact same dates as last year! So far confirmed is Sankeys Opening and IMS. Lets hope some more drop soon so I can get some sort of plan in place. Can.not.wait.

5 of us heading out on the 21st May for a week, found an apartment on Airb&B right in town, lovely!
^ I (personally speaking) would not go to the "closing weekend" again. I would be more than likely to go the week before, eg We Love closing, Cocoon closing etc. Maybe even the "proper" closings as @craig72 would say after the storm has passed?
I was thinking cocoon closing onthe monday and amnesia to finish off the week. Still need persmission first :rolleyes::(
Coming over at Easter for a friends 40th. All being well we'll be back in Sept too but have booked Croatia for July so all depends on funds & dog sitters!!
i cant see myself commiting to a trip this summer , any frolics will be strictly unplanned and last minute if they happen
A lot of mid July's. I've been June, Aug and for the Closings. I'm hoping July is a good mix of having all the parties in swing and not being August rammed to the rafters.....anyone been that time before?

Went in July last year and it was spot on! Seemed to be start of the 'better line ups' and it was nicely busy but not August levels (or prices!)

Booked in PdB for 13th to 21st
july is the most complete month IMO, guaranteed good weather, all parties up and running, nice mixture of nationalities and a tad less packed than in august. plus very long days too.

Went in July last year and it was spot on! Seemed to be start of the 'better line ups' and it was nicely busy but not August levels (or prices!)

Booked in PdB for 13th to 21st

Very nice. That's what I was thinking as well.

Grabbed a condo at those new apartments, Ibiza Royal Beach. Place looks amazing.
29/6 - 6/7

First time in five years.
First time in PDB as opposed to San An.
First time with Mrs as opposed to mates.
i went the same time last yea with the Mrs and it was very very good. great line ups and not too busy. it's good going with the mrs so it's not all about the smash you can do other things like nice resturants and that.
i went the same time last yea with the Mrs and it was very very good. great line ups and not too busy. it's good going with the mrs so it's not all about the smash you can do other things like nice resturants and that.

Yeah I'm hoping it's going to be as good if not better than my first time on the island.

My mates aren't really Ibiza connoisseurs so may as well have gone to Benidorm as most were happy diving in the first bar they saw and doing little else and of course for SOME of the time that's what I ended up doing. I can set the tone now.

Plus I can't physically go as mad on the drink now as often so makes sense!