So who's all on Facebook...

Id hardly call my mates and family helmets haha you choose who you get to add plus its a hell of alot easier to organise my social life without having to text 10 different people at the same time about the same stuff plus got mates all over the shop cant just go and see them when i want or i would haha :):)
Id hardly call my mates and family helmets haha you choose who you get to add plus its a hell of alot easier to organise my social life without having to text 10 different people at the same time about the same stuff plus got mates all over the shop cant just go and see them when i want or i would haha :):)

Like anything in life, it has its pro's and its con's, more pro's for me...but i hate that it makes me waste alot of my time :rolleyes::lol: