the end is near..........


Well-Known Member
Right folks having spent my entire last day at work so far in battle of wills with the team of thugs employed by a client who's contract we're exiting, I'm off to say goodbye to a few people.

I'll still be around on here now and again, but clearly not as frequently. Be lovely to see you all beers in the sun - those who have my number I'll text you my Spanish one, those who don't PM me on here a week or so before you come out and we'll arrange something. Villa party is a goer with various other things in the pipeline so keep 'em peeled for info.

Thanks to everyone for the fun and games - particularly 'My Team' and back in days of 'members', Synchgate and the fabled 'Spotlight Wars', valiant warriors on both sides of the divide. Equally thanks for the occassional discussions of serious matters be that religion (a personal favourite of mine as you know), war (Rememberance Day etc) or course the issue to end all issues - Beckiboo's next haircut/job/car. Those discussions actually hold the real power of t'internet for me - the fact that, for example, Johnny Morbyd, an American in Russian can interact and learn with Shirley from Erin (we all get that one?) through this site and vice versa. Spotlight real has made a difference to me over the last few years and I've made friends here who've been become very, very good friends 'out there' in the real world. For that, and the rest of it, to you all and the Spotlight Management, I owe debt to repaid in beer at various points in times.

So... that's all from me for a bit, but if one of you could just let me know, in preparation for up coming trip, the following information:

1) How much money should I take?

2) Can I bring my camera into Space?

3) Where will Wayne18UK be on the island? I'm keen to avoid him in case he charms the current Mrs B away from me.

4) And finally a maths quandary: If Barbie has three wines, and Fusion has 4 glowsticks, how long would it take Nikki406 and the Blazin' Devils to work out the odds of Miss Boo and Lynch visiting in Drew Sheffield?

See ya in paradise kids, it's been emotional.

(ps. If anyone was ever in doubt, which shouldn't be the case, Rickaroo was a racist twat who should be shouted down (or perhaps more effectively, completed ignored) should he ever return.)
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How touchy what you said!!!!!
I don't know you much ( pity because you are a nice guy), but I wish you and you half to have a great time, and lots of luck:D:D:D:D.

Mucha suerte chico!!!!
Byeee Buckley, all the best. :)

PS. Lol at Synchgate and the valiant warriors...:lol: Thank God posts from Members are lost for ever (they are, aren't they??).
Holly G said:
Byeee Buckley, all the best. :)

PS. Lol at Synchgate and the valiant warriors...:lol: Thank God posts from Members are lost for ever (they are, aren't they??).

Cheers Miss G.8)

If some cached those threads I'm willing to pay top dollar for them!:lol:
mate have a good one. I can't make tonight, got early start to cardiff tomo (4am)

see you in the ibiza "sun" though mate....

peace to the middle east

I might even sign a song "and it's hi-ho silver lining " lalalalalala
Buckley said:
Cheers Miss G.8)

If some cached those threads I'm willing to pay top dollar for them!:lol:

I should also say something about how you first brought together the London spotlighters, but I don't know whether to thank you or curse you. :lol:
lynch said:
mate have a good one. I can't make tonight, got early start to cardiff tomo (4am)

see you in the ibiza "sun" though mate....

peace to the middle east

I might even sign a song "and it's hi-ho silver lining " lalalalalala

Jon, I hope you've learnt more of the lyrics than that...flies are in your pea soup baby. :lol:
shut the door on the way out mate


seriously, have fun travelling, u lucky lucky man.... and thanks for everything!
Holly G said:
Byeee Buckley, all the best. :)

PS. Lol at Synchgate and the valiant warriors...:lol: Thank God posts from Members are lost for ever (they are, aren't they??).

No. I printed them out and will be using them as evidence.

Buckley - that's one of the most amusing posts I've read in a while. I cock my hat to you. Having been away, I missed the whole build-up to your departure but hope it goes well for you.
bye bye buckers - have a fantastic and full of amusing incidents trip (you've got to have something to talk about when you get back! :lol: ) and perhaps I'll see you late june :twisted:
Good bye Spotlights Rose,
May you ever,
Grow in our hearts
You were the grace that placed itself
Where lives were torn apart...