So.......How was it?

Fergie ... still no use staying in totally .. just limit the times :D :D

... waiting to hear all the gossip from So now ...
I suppose Saff, It's just that I hadnt been out in over three weeks (my longest gap in about 5 years :eek: ) so was dying to go out :p

Stayed off the booze though ;)

Think still carrying on? 8) :p
Good night then? My legs are sore today from 4 hours of non stop dancing, my feet wouldnt stop till about 6 this morning :twisted: :p ;)
Fergie19 said:
Think still carrying on? 8) :p

we got up to the door of egg then said bollocks to it after walking around council estates for an hour
these are the new people i met last night

bbs and kang(saucer eyes) :lol: :lol:
copperband and his camp friend

super d 8) 8)
n8 :eek: :lol: :lol:
and dan x amount
Rob was dancing like a loon all niiiiight, dunno where that boy gets his energy from :lol:

I met Scoobie and Mr Scoobie properly this time and Kang and BBS, Dan, Ferd, Copperband and his lovely mate.

Nice to see SuperD and Russ again. Had such a good night & N8 was very amusing :lol: