Sky News inciting violence

The government don't help me out when I need a new sofa, holiday, car, watch etc.

Daft analogy.

The UK now has one of the most expensive state university systems in the world.

Where do we draw the line? Adults without children could potentially make a valid argument for not contributing towards a state education for all.
I don't see why the tax payer should pay for students to avoid working so they can go on the piss for an extra few years.
While obviously drinking is a part of it, I don't think that's a fair way to characterize the whole university experience.

I was a horrible uni student (figured I'd excelled enough in high school and could coast through :lol:) but I still feel I gained a lot through the experience. It shaped a lot about the way I think and approach problems.

That's the real point of a good liberal arts education. I never had illusions that I would work in a field related to political science (although those Soviet politics classes come in handy now :lol:). You don't come out of a good university with a skill - you come out with a better ability to think and analyze. Doesn't matter if you study Korean art. (Technical fields - obviously a different case)

I worked part-time while I was there too, so no "avoiding work"!

Now, I graduated with $20k in debt so can certainly understand how your students would want to avoid that. Entitlements and subsidies of any kind (pension, healthcare, education, etc) are always difficult to take away and painful to lose.

I'm not necessarily advocating the students' position (or their recent activity), but just saying that the opposition to increased fees is understandable. More importantly, the desire for higher education is not at all a bad thing.

Kudos to you for being so successful via a different route. I too feel I've learned a lot more working and living abroad than I could if I'd followed plans to go to graduate school. But you and I are more of an exception than the rule.
I still feel I gained a lot through the experience. It shaped a lot about the way I think and approach problems.

That's the real point of a good liberal arts education. I never had illusions that I would work in a field related to political science (although those Soviet politics classes come in handy now :lol:). You don't come out of a good university with a skill - you come out with a better ability to think and analyze. Doesn't matter if you study Korean art. (Technical fields - obviously a different case)

I possibly did a similar set of courses to you, though looking back, I kick myself for not doing something slightly useful and relevant to my life.
I was a social housing yts kid. In fairness it opened doors, a degree would not have helped me anymore than the practical experience of my yts. As I crept up the corporate ladder, the pre requisite of a degree for positions used to p*ss me off, although most employers would take a decent cv in lieu of said qualification. I trained a few graduates and they seemed to be either a) Totally driven willing to work 100 hours per week b) A total flake, there never seemed to be an inbetween!
Unleash the water cannons. It's freezing out there, no one will want to get wet. I bet if this was football fans on the rampage the old bill wouldn't hesitate to dish out a few whacks.

I don't see why the tax payer should pay for students to avoid working so they can go on the piss for an extra few years.

^^ what he said.

from my uni experience, i'd say approx 10% were there to go on the piss. :lol:

anyhows, whats the ****ing fuss all about?

graduate, earn over £21k, pay back less over longer. or have it wiped off after 30years!

sounds like a better deal to me - its not like its a whole new thing actually paying to get yourself THROUGH Uni. Theres 3 months a year between July and Oct called a summer break... GET A FECKING SUMMER JOB.
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Apparently so!

One of the Spartak "ultra"-type club members got killed a few days ago in a brawl with some guys from the north Caucuses regions (they like to call then "blacks"... Caucasians are usually olive/tan-skinned, dark haired).

So, Spartak fans rallied on Manezh Sq (just outside the Kremlin) this weekend and there were lots of racist/fascist elements involved. It turned into a bit of a riot. Several people from the Caucuses & Central Asia attacked on the Metro as well.

I saw it on BBC while I was in Minsk. Good weekend to have been out of town!

This morning whilst listening to the BBC World Service there was a report about what Morbyd posted and it was suggested that the Russian Police are pure racist along with Moscovites who for some don't like the Caucusans and other people from the neighbouring Countries of the old Soviet Union. Such racist incidences could make the 2018 WC intresting to control?

Very strange that none of our national tv channels mentioned this attack in Russia nor did any of the UK satellite Channels come to that.
This morning whilst listening to the BBC World Service there was a report about what Morbyd posted and it was suggested that the Russian Police are pure racist along with Moscovites who for some don't like the Caucusans and other people from the neighbouring Countries of the old Soviet Union. Such racist incidences could make the 2018 WC intresting to control?

Very strange that none of our national tv channels mentioned this attack in Russia nor did any of the UK satellite Channels come to that.
There were no attacks yesterday. They just rounded up a whole lot of people before they could cause trouble. The police actually appear to have done a really good job.

It won't affect the World Cup. They will lock these elements down tightly, as they did yesterday. Still, admittedly disturbing to see these nationalist elements feel emboldened.

As stated above, Saturday's riot was carried on BBC TV.
This morning whilst listening to the BBC World Service there was a report about what Morbyd posted and it was suggested that the Russian Police are pure racist along with Moscovites who for some don't like the Caucusans and other people from the neighbouring Countries of the old Soviet Union. Such racist incidences could make the 2018 WC intresting to control?

Very strange that none of our national tv channels mentioned this attack in Russia nor did any of the UK satellite Channels come to that.

Did you try Living +1?
Daft analogy.

The UK now has one of the most expensive state university systems in the world.

Where do we draw the line? Adults without children could potentially make a valid argument for not contributing towards a state education for all.

Higher education is a privlege not a right. If you are clever and lucky enough to be able to do it then you should be able and clever enough to get a job to support the 2 days at week at uni that you are studying.

Also anyone know what happened to curly bollocks who threw the fire extinguisher off the roof? Has he been put away for that? Attempted murder that should be. What's that carry these days? 3 weeks probably.
Higher education is a privlege not a right.


I don't think many of them are expecting to get their university education for free. To suddenly find they are paying more for their degree than the rest of the world is quite rightly going to cause concern amongst those most affected.

Would you be in favour of tax payers without children paying less tax?

Would you be happy if the government decided parents would have to contribute on a means tested basis towards GCSE exam fees?

Time for some anti war protests too. Playing at pointless war games costing many billions is a sick joke.