Sky News inciting violence


Tip of the iceberg.

Wait till the public sector cuts kick in... :confused:

2011 is going to be interesting...and how awful is Clegg looking at the moment? :eek:

ooh the exact words of my hubby last night..... with a few F***s and C***s chucked in just to make his point...

Anarchy will be the hot topic of 2011....
I'm yet to hear anyone come up with a viable alternative.

That the labour lot are trying to cash in on it's unpopularity when they sanctioned the report in the first place :lol::lol::lol:
I love the fact the Prince Charles initially waved at the mob before he clocked what was happening


Not that really would get one of the royals into the "He's not a bad geezer really" category if they were to be seen hurling a few projectiles at the fuzz, getting involved in a scuffle, then emerging from nick with a shiner.

In fact, I am surprised this hasn't already been staged to make the royals appear more 21st century......
I nominate this video for the understatement of the year award.
Poorly treated? Er... Viciously attacked perhaps?

Scintillaterich 3 hours ago 14

<LI class="comment child" data-author-viewing="" data-id="pJQ95mVRKEzTQZKLCGI9XHnuhPfw1pt3rJeSHTmN3sc" data-score="0" data-author="surffadude" data-pending="0" data-blocked="" data-flagged="False" data-removed="False" data-tag="O">surffadude
2 hours ago

yeah thats a fair point, i did it in a rush last night, no disrespect meant

surffadude 2 hours ago

<LI class="comment child" data-author-viewing="" data-id="pJQ95mVRKEx0c_bIob3v10NGLAHs9vLCKRbgSB1n7Bg" data-score="-3" data-author="teddyFACE" data-pending="0" data-blocked="" data-flagged="False" data-removed="False" data-tag="O">teddyFACE
2 hours ago

@surffadude viciously attacked, are u taking the piss? its called being arrested if you arent gonna protest peacefully this is what's gonna happen.

teddyFACE 2 hours ago

<LI class="comment child" data-author-viewing="" data-id="pJQ95mVRKEx3T6GbfM4vRDjUJzrpVJgcgBqwRz5PBHo" data-score="5" data-author="surffadude" data-pending="0" data-blocked="" data-flagged="False" data-removed="False" data-tag="O">surffadude
2 hours ago 5

@teddyFACE he was protesting peacefully, he was in a wheel chair twenty yarsf from the line... and he wasnt being arrested

I live in a different spacetime to the above person named teddyFACE.
things will get mega-interesting if, next time, the governm.., I mean the police, turn the water cannons on...

Tho I reckon that's probably it for now for the big student demos. The next biggie I guess will be when the public sector unions take to the streets with 500,000 newly redundant ex-council workers marching behind them...
Contrast this to here, where you've got to go to YouTube to get decent footage of the fascist Spartak Moscow football fans rioting in the center of town these past couple of days :confused:
Are they in training for the WC already:eek:?
Apparently so!

One of the Spartak "ultra"-type club members got killed a few days ago in a brawl with some guys from the north Caucuses regions (they like to call then "blacks"... Caucasians are usually olive/tan-skinned, dark haired).

So, Spartak fans rallied on Manezh Sq (just outside the Kremlin) this weekend and there were lots of racist/fascist elements involved. It turned into a bit of a riot. Several people from the Caucuses & Central Asia attacked on the Metro as well.

I saw it on BBC while I was in Minsk. Good weekend to have been out of town!
sounds like a hoot!

I dread to think what'll happen if Holland, Germany, Serbia along with broken England Qualify for the 2018 WC? I imagine hell would break out and we're some still 8yrs away from the event happening. Still it's reassuring to know that we can rely on Skynews for keeping us upto date on it's organized mass brawling amongst the hooligans. Perhap's Kay Burley might be asked by FIFA if she want's the honour to Referee the mass fighting:lol:
Unleash the water cannons. It's freezing out there, no one will want to get wet. I bet if this was football fans on the rampage the old bill wouldn't hesitate to dish out a few whacks.

I don't see why the tax payer should pay for students to avoid working so they can go on the piss for an extra few years.

The government don't help me out when I need a new sofa, holiday, car, watch etc. You want to bum around for a few years then at least pay something towards it.

I left school at 15 and worked for everything without any handouts from anyone. If my kids are lucky enough to be clever enough then I will pay and will expect them to contribute too.

I had a lad work for me before. Spent 3 years studying Korean Art. Why? He was no good to anyone, had him moving boxes all day. Cluless. His mum probably left his pants and socks out at the end of his bed every night. Just went to uni to avoid working. I dread to think where he is now. Probably an MP.:lol: