Sky News inciting violence

Dave 1

New Member
Why do i get the impression that Sky News (watched in the Pub) when covering the current Student Protest in London are actually praying for violence to kick off. Do their Journalistes purposely seek where the violent outbreaks are taking place before reporting the propaganda s*ite which they have caused.
Why do i get the impression that Sky News (watched in the Pub) when covering the current Student Protest in London are actually praying for violence to kick off. Do their Journalistes purposely seek where the violent outbreaks are taking place before reporting the propaganda s*ite which they have caused.

100% agree. Is it not strange that their reporters are there just when it happens to kick off at specific points. And any litle skirmish is treated liked a riot. Disgrace.
...and you were expecting balanced reporting from them? :eek:

They're the TV equivalent of the Daily Mail scumbags.
Sly News should be brought before the Courts for inciting & glorifying what the 'yob's are doing. What does it tell the World when a Award Winning News Channel has been fixed on showing just the violence for much of the afternoon and early evening without reporting the otherside of todays Student protest which according to other News Stations was peaceful.
if the yobs didnt start smashing windows and pissing up memorials maybe the Journos would have had nowt to report on?

I would say the government smashing the entire higher education system with 75% cuts is probably more serious than a few broken windows and one startled royal. Sure there were a few Trots looking for a barney with the pigs but the majority were legit and basically have been fcked over by a government without a mandate to even introduce these cuts in the first place! It's inevitable people will get angry and lose the plot on the streets. Nobody else is going to stand up for them. The amount of tax that could be recouped from offshore accounts is where the focus should be but then why would Gideon tax himself...
I think what we are seeing now is nothing more than a bit of frivolous fun compared to what lies ahead under this new dictatorship.

The government will be loving every single second of these little spats being shown on tv.

As written elsewhere, the cuts being drafted in make Thatcher appear like a kind hearted and loving pm.
Yeah the tax evasion by some of the big companies is ridiculous and would be able to subsidise the education cuts to a large degree for example
Just remember who bought in the fees in the first place.
Didnt even hear a squeal of unfairness when top ups were first bought in.
when the police investigate, they should turn their attention to the shadowy anarchist organisation 'The White Hand Gang'
I think what we are seeing now is nothing more than a bit of frivolous fun compared to what lies ahead under this new dictatorship.


Tip of the iceberg.

Wait till the public sector cuts kick in... :confused:

2011 is going to be interesting...and how awful is Clegg looking at the moment? :eek:
I love the fact the Prince Charles initially waved at the mob before he clocked what was happening

The hypocrisy of Clegg is frightening.

Signing the pledge and then backing the increase is at worse a clear message that the man has no political integrity. His constant attempts to justify his position make it all the more worse. It just shows that he thinks everyone is stupid.

This particular move was always bound to cause huge controversy as it directly targets working class families who want their kids to do well in life.

Disgusting. This should have been an area that was ring fenced. For economic reasons as well as social equality.

The two tier country is no longer a hidden agenda for the Tories, it's a blatant strategy.

But no one will be able to stop it happening.
Lest we forget as nation the cookie jar is well and truely empty. But I suppose we can borrow more...

Rubbish, my true blue friend.

It isn't a simple case of "there's no money left" the government can't afford anything.

That's daily mail / Sun sloganeering.

This is a matter of priorities. And an accessible higher education for all regardless of wealth is not a priority for the Tories.
Rubbish, my true blue friend.

It isn't a simple case of "there's no money left" the government can't afford anything.

That's daily mail / Sun sloganeering.

This is a matter of priorities. And an accessible higher education for all regardless of wealth is not a priority for the Tories.

and that sounds like daily mirror/guardian scaremongering... ;):lol: