Progressive is a pretty pretentious word to begin with, so if you're bold enough to actually call your genre anything like that you better have something pretty f***ing impressive, groundbreaking and forward-thinking to call it that. Like, music that will make you fly or breathe underwater or something. Since that's the case, Progressive Trance is easily the most misnamed genre in the history of music. In the annals of trance, it made huge leaps backwards. Most oldskool trance enthusiasts admit that they stopped listening to trance right after Progressive Trance came around (legend states around 96 or so). The genre doesn't actually do anything new or inventive. But what it DID do was codify--that is, write in literal stone--the trance template of breakdown-build-anthem, an infused pop gimmick that all of a sudden made this strange, space-age music suddenly acceptable to the sonically docile masses. No longer long, unwieldy, repetitive and unresponsive, trance became a familiarity, an image, associating itself (and its artists) with all the trappings that keep the pop music world intact. It all went downhill from here.