Sh!t happening before you go on hols...

Last year my mate came down with Mumps 2 days into a week in Croatia for Hideout festival.

I'm going to Ibiza on the 21st. My washing machine packed up a week ago, car is playing up, and I just got a letter through the door reminding me that my car insurance needs renewing. Oh, and my car tax (£260ish) is due at the end of the month. Bastard.

The worst one was a couple of years ago. A friend was working for First Choice in Spain so 3 of us flew out for a long weekend for my birthday. My head gasket went on the way to Bristol airport, got the car recovered then we arrived just in time to watch our flight leave. £120 for new flights. The weather was crap and people fell out, then the Icelandic volcano went off, meaning we were stranded in Malaga airport for 48 hours, making me 2 days late for work. Then got home to an £1100 bill for repairs to the car. Worst holiday ever!

Mumps? I thought people only got that in the 1970's?
On my first trip to Ibiza in 2000, only had 4 days there, and I think it was on my second day that I got the worst food poisoning that I have ever had, courtesy of the Colonel. Within 16 hours I was so dehydrated and weakened that my friend had to pretty much carry me to a clinic, where a very competent doc emptied 2 liters of saline into my veins along with some appropriate medication after which he told me to take it very easy and eat only light fruit and such. Needless to say, within 4 hours I was at Judgement Sundays and had taken "appropriate medication" for that setting. I escaped unscathed and a few pounds lighter :twisted:
On my first trip to Ibiza in 2000, only had 4 days there, and I think it was on my second day that I got the worst food poisoning that I have ever had, courtesy of the Colonel. Within 16 hours I was so dehydrated and weakened that my friend had to pretty much carry me to a clinic, where a very competent doc emptied 2 liters of saline into my veins along with some appropriate medication after which he told me to take it very easy and eat only light fruit and such. Needless to say, within 4 hours I was at Judgement Sundays and had taken "appropriate medication" for that setting. I escaped unscathed and a few pounds lighter :twisted:

You cant beat a semi serious illness for a bit of weight loss.
Mumps? I thought people only got that in the 1970's?

Nope. It's quite rare these days because most people have MMR vaccines at a young age. It's very contagious, but you only pass it on before you start showing symptoms, that's why it used to spread so fast. I thought I'd had the jab when I was young. Wrong. Came down with it about 10 days after we got home. Looked like Quagmire for a week or so and couldn't eat. Grim!

Praying that Ibiza goes smoothly this time (despite this financial balls up already). I can see my credit card getting abused this year. :rolleyes:
And when I was 18, first lads holiday I fell asleep hungover in Zante in the 42deg C sun. For 3 hours. With no sun cream. And bad tanning genes. Tried hitting the strip that night only to realise I was pulling off an excellent lobster impression. Water blisters all over me. Felt well shaky. I was peeling for the next month back home. bergh

Absolute schoolboy error. One of those things everyone does once!

A few years ago, on our first day in Cyprus (40*c), I went snorkeling for ages after forgetting to get someone to put suncream on my back. Red raw - agony!
I've had my fair share of holiday mishaps including

Ibiza 2007 - Got a couple of massive blisters under each foot from new shoes. Ended up with blood poisoning after DC10/Cocoon double header and couldn't walk let alone dance for half the holiday (and it August!)

Ibiza 2008 - Jumped over mates (ground floor) balcony to get in the pool after getting home from Cream and practically sliced my toe off on a plant pot in the process. Luckily this was at the end of the week this time round.

St Lucia 2004 - 24 hour flight delay (would have been alright but put up in the worst hotel ever)

Dominican Republic 2005 - Food poisoning followed by an earthquake 7.5 on the richter scale

France 2006 - Head on collision driving up some local back road. Broken arm and whiplash (got a nice payout though :))

This has just reminded me that I still need to get some travel insurance for next week :idea:
Not a fan of wearing shades in clubs (even tho i should sometimes..). Worse, I'm normally a speccy git, so put contacts in if out.. but can't do that if eye is swollen. :(

I'm no fan myself tbh but you would have an excuse in such circumstances. As a fellow contact lens wearer (who is blind as a bat with really crap specs) I totally sympathise. I have spent the last 2 NYE walking about with a hand over one eye after getting glitter in my eye. Not fun, or a good look!

Anyway, good luck with your magical gel :)
we leave this Friday, and found out my ex mother in law has passed away,its the funeral today, and then a friend passed away, funeral on Thursday, so lots of flowers bought,
then the car failed its mot,so car taken home ,items replaced, another £17.50 for re-test then car given a clean bill of health
so lots of expense within a week, :(
Incidentally just had that happen this week too, a week before setting off again :)

A good worry can knock a few pounds off as well. Money, aliens attacking earth, 21/12/12, that kind of thing:)
I've had my fair share of holiday mishaps including

Ibiza 2007 - Got a couple of massive blisters under each foot from new shoes. Ended up with blood poisoning after DC10/Cocoon double header and couldn't walk let alone dance for half the holiday (and it August!)

Ibiza 2008 - Jumped over mates (ground floor) balcony to get in the pool after getting home from Cream and practically sliced my toe off on a plant pot in the process. Luckily this was at the end of the week this time round.

St Lucia 2004 - 24 hour flight delay (would have been alright but put up in the worst hotel ever)

Dominican Republic 2005 - Food poisoning followed by an earthquake 7.5 on the richter scale

France 2006 - Head on collision driving up some local back road. Broken arm and whiplash (got a nice payout though :))

This has just reminded me that I still need to get some travel insurance for next week :idea:

Anyone want to go on holiday with Scottish Helen:eek:?
Tell me about it :cry:

Going through the worst bout of depression I've ever had. Lost 6.5 kilos in 6 weeks.

Ibiza in a week and a half and I'm worried I just won't be very much fun to be around. :confused:

Suppose if I spend the whole week drunk off my ass it won't matter too much.

Don't worry Romney won't get elected. You will look fit for Ibiza. I hope you feel better, enjoy and put the worries behind while in Ibiza.
We all have up and down periods through the year. Get on the 5HTP pre/during/post trip.:)
Damn. You quoted that before I deleted it :lol: Had a 'feeling sorry for myself' moment when I wrote that.

Romney not getting elected would be good.

And yes, I suppose the upside is I'll look the thinnest I've ever looked in Ibiza.