Sh!t happening before you go on hols...

Johnny Vodka

Well-Known Member
Tell me your woes of holidays past, getting hit with illness or bad luck just before going away (or while away).

I sense a stye coming on just before I head off tomorrow. :evil: Eye gel in tonight!
Tell me your woes of holidays past, getting hit with illness or bad luck just before going away (or while away).

I sense a stye coming on just before I head off tomorrow. :evil: Eye gel in tonight!

First year I went (2003) my mates appendix burst on the first day. He was in Ibiza hosipital for the entire 2 weeks and got infected. We had been home for a month and he was still over there.

Ive broken both my heals jumping from the road to the pool area at Ibiza Rocks years ago and had to spend the entire 2nd week of the holiday in the room.
I got knocked down by a motorbike on my first night of a Greek holiday. Went back to the hotel, dusted myself down and went out that night (with just a few cuts/bruises). Very lucky it wasn't worse!
I'm full of them!

First night of a chaps holiday to Magaluf (yes I know...) I slipped on the bathroom floor and put my knee through the tiles on side of the bath. Only hours earlier at the airport I had realised I had no insurance and laughed it off with , 'never use it anyway' type bravado. Cue a 100 euro ambulance ride and 13 stitches in a public hospital followed by some jabs. Couldn't fault the hospital though.

Last year me and the gf booked Cancun (not much better) with some ''whiplash'' compensation money. The night before our 10 hr flight I went down with sinusitus and we both got food poisoning whilst there which laid us low for several days. Karma the insurance co might say!

Now we are going to Ibiza again in 10 days time and she was diagnosed with gastritis this morning!! I have learnt to accept these minor misfortunes :D
Last year my mate came down with Mumps 2 days into a week in Croatia for Hideout festival.

I'm going to Ibiza on the 21st. My washing machine packed up a week ago, car is playing up, and I just got a letter through the door reminding me that my car insurance needs renewing. Oh, and my car tax (£260ish) is due at the end of the month. Bastard.

The worst one was a couple of years ago. A friend was working for First Choice in Spain so 3 of us flew out for a long weekend for my birthday. My head gasket went on the way to Bristol airport, got the car recovered then we arrived just in time to watch our flight leave. £120 for new flights. The weather was crap and people fell out, then the Icelandic volcano went off, meaning we were stranded in Malaga airport for 48 hours, making me 2 days late for work. Then got home to an £1100 bill for repairs to the car. Worst holiday ever!
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A lairy jack russel bit me in the face the day before flying out - left a big bruise/cut.

It was 2000 when DC-10 was free and full of edgy crusties (pre mixmag invasion) so I decided it enhanced the look. 8) :lol:
ive had a nightmare of a day today, found out that my son has put £200 in a safe place for his college fee's which he has to pay tomorrow and he can't find it,so I've had to change back some euros so he's got his fee money.
I then decide to fuel up the car and check Tyre pressures only to find a nail in my front Tyre :evil::evil::evil:, and then £73 later and a new furking Tyre

on the plus side we drive to crawley tomorrow to stay in a hotel ready for our flight on Wednesday at 6am :)

expensive day just before we fly out :(
In Kavos on my first lads holiday i managed to end up with 30 stitches on the soles of my feet and between my toes after standing on a pint pot then stumbled backwards and with the other foot stood a vodka bottle!! All within 2 hours of getting there!

On the same holiday my mates thought it would be fun to steal 2 scooters, the greek gangsters they stole them from didnt though and they both got battered and arrested. They took all of our passports off us until the damage for the bikes was paid which resulted in phone calls to parents explaining why they needed to send us 500 euros!!

Then we had a 7 hour delay on the way back, so all in all it was beltin!!
Touch wood, I've never had any pre, during, or post holiday mishaps.

Did have terrible insomnia in Magaluf a few years back mind, but fortunately, the local non English speaking chemist understood the international sign language for 'no sleep', and gave me pills called Dormidina. Knocked me out within half an hour. Good stuff.
This year, finding out that my credit card had been compromised the day before leaving. Didnt really need the hassle:x
Due to go at the end of the week.
Am about to loose the flat I found in Brighton because my previous estate agent gave me a ****e reference due to the police raid in May - which wasn't even our fault and had nothing to do with us!
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and... as it looks like we are including whilst on holiday anecdotes as well -

Got a serious bout of flu 2 days before coming home whilst in Lanzarote in Feb 2010. Never had proper flu before and when you get it, you really know it. spent the last two days of a 7 night holiday having hot sweats and halucinating whilst high on paracetamol and ibuprofen.

No prizes for guessing where I may have caught said virus!
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when i was at EXIT festival a few years ago, on the second day i ended up clunking skulls with some beefy, hairy metaller only to split my head open! Ended up having to be dragged around the festival by various non-english speaking helpers and had a trip in an ambulance to the most horrific hospital i have ever been to (think saw meets hostel....i kid you not!!) opening a door to a room lit by a single light above this dentist chair surrounded by masked bon-esque villans armed with black and decker staple guns, i was put back together and then was faced with the worries of being slapped with a nice big bill (outside of the EU, but thankfully that didnt happen!). Eventually, after this rather traumatic experience, i soldiered on back to the festival, with enough time to grab a beer, find my friends just as Does It Offend You, Yeah? walked onstage for an absolutely incredible show!!

Thanks my most interesting story i think! here's hoping i dont end up topping it! :confused:
Im always fine before going on holidays, its when i get there that the bad things happen

I had an eyebrow ring back in my mid teens and got that ripped out whilst during a scuffle in magaluf.
I got swine flu in Ibiza in 2009 when it was doing the rounds and that KO'd me for 3 days.

Fractured my skull last year in Ibiza and ended up in Majorca for a week after that just to make sure i was ok. :spank:
I was headed to Los Angeles for a wedding had 3 stops in route decided to eat raw oysters and sushi. That was a mistake ended up with food poisoning and spent 3 days in the hospital and missed my friends wedding and they had to visit me in the hospital.
December before last had a cracking month booked away with 3 of my mates over the new year, 2 weeks to be spent in brazil over Xmas and new year and 2 weeks to be spent in Bolivia. Had been looking forward to it for ages and excited was an understatement.

It was during the time we had that very bad snowfall.....

Anyway... Set off from south Wales and was heading to heathrow with a big smile on my face....10 minutes from the airport it was announced on the radio that the airport had just been closed because of the snow... Absolutely devastated at this point and pissed off.

We carried on to the airport and walked in to absolute chaos ...after waiting around for an hour we were finally put up in a hotel in London. We were told we were getting our money back so we booked a flight to Singapore for 2 days's the only place available and we just wanted to get away..

The day arrived and the airport was still closed so we had to re book another flight..this time Thailand was available so we went for that....we finally got a holiday of just under 3 weeks in Thailand .

Had a great time and brazil didn't really enter my mind once while I was there haha...also got a few free nights in London with all food paid for too courtesy of air France ....even managed a visit to fabric , where to my surprise John digweed was all in all...we still had a good laugh:)
18 days before Ibiza, forgot car insurance was due. Nearly £700 gone from my Ibiza fund. C*nt. :spank:
These are all awful! :(

My only bad Experiences came from ash clouds and swine flu! Swine flu stopped me going to Mexico one year, rebooked to go the year after then the volcano erupted, rebooked 2 weeks later and it happened AGAIN, sat on the plane, on the runway at Gatwick for 10 HOURS before we took off!

Oh and Napa was one bad experience from start to finish, *shudder*
18 days before Ibiza, forgot car insurance was due. Nearly £700 gone from my Ibiza fund. C*nt. :spank:

Ooo ****.

Worst thing that's happened to me was booking a lads holiday to Zante, only for 4 people to bail out not long before payments were due - leaving me financially f******.

Bad mood for a while to say the least - holiday turned out to be brilliant though.

Last year in Ibiza I went for a dip in the sea at 9am after a big night out only to get water in my ear leaving me with the worst ear infection of my life for the next 3 weeks. Puss was literally spilling from my ear :eek:

And when I was 18, first lads holiday I fell asleep hungover in Zante in the 42deg C sun. For 3 hours. With no sun cream. And bad tanning genes. Tried hitting the strip that night only to realise I was pulling off an excellent lobster impression. Water blisters all over me. Felt well shaky. I was peeling for the next month back home. bergh