San Antonio Needs Urgent Action on Tourist Attacks

So being off your nut would be completely different than being sober? If someone pulls out a knife? Unless your jackie chan I dont really think it makes a difference.

Nope. Not the point I'm making.

If you are inebriated then you are considerably more susceptible to crime in general - particularly robbery.

Thieves, generally speaking, will target the most vulnerable. Do you not agree?
Deffo be sticking to PDB from now on! :twisted:

Highlights of staying in San An over 3 holidays include feeling my pockets being gone through as I walk past two Spanish lads and seeing an English guy walking down the street with blood streaming from his nose (because he'd head-butted someone in a bar!). Been various other edgy incidents too, but really does sound like it's got worse (and it's not just the Spaniards to blame!).
The reason is that too many of the pumped up steroid abusing knobheads are now going to Ibiza and turning it into any other Brits abroad holiday resort (it is why I hate vests and caps at a jaunty angle so much as unfortunately this is the standard uniform for most)

Places like Ocean Beach Club and Linekers haven't helped, but also the over ground nature of house music and people drinking and not doing other recreational substances has seen a huge impact on how people are behaving.

Cheap flights mean that it attracts a lot of hen and stag nights, which involve a lot of drinking, and the majority of the people aren't there for the music.

I remember in the mid 90's (before Ibiza Uncovered) Ibiza was classed as having it's day. It was probably some of the best times as the majority of people who went were there for the clubs.The West End on a Tuesday night after Manumission was fantastic, as it was quite obvious 90% of the people had been the night before. The atmosphere was brilliant with a lot of people just in a general mess and enjoying themselves. Sadly a million years away from a Tuesday night in the West End in 2012.
Maybe it's because I've had a solid upbringing, maybe it's because I'm not a knuckle dragging inbred, but I just can't fathom how it's physically and mentally possible to stab another human being, let alone for the sake of a couple of quid in a wallet.

I mean, I can understand drunken morons getting pumped up and lashing out, but you can usually spot them a mile off and steer clear.

Sickening, tbfh.
Someone threw a bottle of water at me and swung for me last night because I told him to do one when he drunkenly tried to kiss me. I was only walking home from the pub too :spank: Next time im making sure I have my gas with me, he won't be laughing then :)
Maybe it's because I've had a solid upbringing, maybe it's because I'm not a knuckle dragging inbred, but I just can't fathom how it's physically and mentally possible to stab another human being, let alone for the sake of a couple of quid in a wallet.

I mean, I can understand drunken morons getting pumped up and lashing out, but you can usually spot them a mile off and steer clear.

Sickening, tbfh.

Very well said sir.
Thats the thing... the stabbing has made this issue a different ball game now. Whats it going to take before something is done about it......a death??

When businessmen in the town have to hire private security to protect their guests....then somebody is not doing their job properly.

Instead of complaining about club licences and noise pollution, politicians should be highlighting this serious problem or else tourists will be too scared to come.
As a girl coming to San An with just 1 guy (who isn't my boyfriend and frankly isn't at all protective!) this concerns me slightly.. Is it really that bad? I'm not the type to get myself into dangerous situations but admittedly I guess I am pretty trusting (not naive though!)

Wll have to work harder in the gym and bulk up a bit before i go perhaps?! :)
I've never seen anything like this in previous trips to Ibiza, has it really increased that much in 2 years? The worst trouble I've witnessed in Ibiza was a scrap at the Highlander - a load of pissed up Scots throwing chairs and punches at each other, watched from the other side of the road.

Just gotta be streetwise wherever you go, on holiday or in your local town.
As a girl coming to San An with just 1 guy (who isn't my boyfriend and frankly isn't at all protective!) this concerns me slightly.. Is it really that bad? I'm not the type to get myself into dangerous situations but admittedly I guess I am pretty trusting (not naive though!)

It's not too late to change your hotel to one in PDB:!:
Don't listen to him, PDB is a dive. I believe the next episode of Ross Kemps Extreme World is based in PDB. Stay away at all costs.
As a girl coming to San An with just 1 guy (who isn't my boyfriend and frankly isn't at all protective!) this concerns me slightly.. Is it really that bad? I'm not the type to get myself into dangerous situations but admittedly I guess I am pretty trusting (not naive though!)

Wll have to work harder in the gym and bulk up a bit before i go perhaps?! :)

Just don't be stupid. try not to walk home alone when possible. If you do don't do it off your face and be wary of whats going on around you. I live here so take more risks so probably see more of the bad things happening...somewhere becomes home and you think your invincible and start telling people not to be stupid when they offer to walk you home.

I doubt you'll get personally involved in a actual punch up, the worst that would probably happen is you got your bag snatched...not nice, but aslong as you dont keep all your stuff in there I'm sure you'd soon get over it.
Yeh I guess it's the same stuff we should all do anyway, whether at home or in any country! To be honest I've had moments in Bristol that have been pretty scary, you get it in any city. The more vulnerable you make yourself the more likely these things are to happen of course!
one of the taxi drivers (one of the few women who worked at night, think she said there was around 5 women taxi drivers who worked nights) was saying there had been a couple knife point robberies of taxi drivers last week & she was a bit wary of type of people she was picking up ,

Personally I felt totally safe walking about (even when alone , early hours of morning ) and seen no trouble in San an, merely rowdy (mainly) British drunks & spanish / African drug dealers around the beach area being a bit shifty .

Only violence I saw was in Pacha for pete tong & sasha , saw a few fights in there , think people struggling for space / pushing & it got out of hand.
The reason is that too many of the pumped up steroid abusing knobheads are now going to Ibiza and turning it into any other Brits abroad holiday resort (it is why I hate vests and caps at a jaunty angle so much as unfortunately this is the standard uniform for most)

Places like Ocean Beach Club and Linekers haven't helped, but also the over ground nature of house music and people drinking and not doing other recreational substances has seen a huge impact on how people are behaving.

Cheap flights mean that it attracts a lot of hen and stag nights, which involve a lot of drinking, and the majority of the people aren't there for the music.

I remember in the mid 90's (before Ibiza Uncovered) Ibiza was classed as having it's day. It was probably some of the best times as the majority of people who went were there for the clubs.The West End on a Tuesday night after Manumission was fantastic, as it was quite obvious 90% of the people had been the night before. The atmosphere was brilliant with a lot of people just in a general mess and enjoying themselves. Sadly a million years away from a Tuesday night in the West End in 2012.
Sounds like a case of rose tinted specs. :lol:
There never was an era of only clued up clubbers in San Antonio. There has always been a mixture. When I was here for the the whole Summer of 1990 the place was full of English lads on the lash. I think they may have still been called "Lager louts" at this time? Many of them were dressed almost entirely in the England football kit :lol:. They would go out drinking pretty early just like they would back in England at the time and most of them seemed to be wasted by midnight and on their way back to the hotels or passed out here and there with those money carrying thingies hanging around their necks. While they were asleep the bottom part of this money carrying thing was unscrewed by some toe rag and the money removed (Yeah people were getting mugged back then too).
After midnight seemed to be a different scene though with a different crowd of people on the town.
During the 90's the clubbing and rave crowds started drinking more because the E's had gone to **** and the lager louts had started doing speed and other drugs. The lines between the different cultures became more blurred.
Yeh I guess it's the same stuff we should all do anyway, whether at home or in any country! To be honest I've had moments in Bristol that have been pretty scary, you get it in any city. The more vulnerable you make yourself the more likely these things are to happen of course!
A lot of people are victims of crime here because they behave differently to how they would at home.
I've been 14 times to the island now and have only ever seen 3 bits of real violence, once outside amnesia with 2 Italians arguing, but within minutes they have apologized to each other and were hugging! Last year I saw 2 scots in PDB throwing bottles at the "sex workers" and about 5 years ago in PDB i was walking with some friends and a group of twenty or so tried to mug us (luckily we managed to run away)

There is violence wherever you go, just keep your wits about you and avoid going to dark places alone.

Don't let any of this put you off, the place is magical and thats why it draws so many of us back there!