San Antonio Needs Urgent Action on Tourist Attacks


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After the stabbing and hospitalisation of another tourist in San Antonio, who was dragged onto the beach and robbed, I feel its time San Antonio started to take tourist crime a little more seriously.

I have been in San Antonio three times this year and the situation has not improved... in fact its getting worse. Authorities seriously need to do something about this :spank:

The amount of prostitutes, drug sellers and thief's in San Antonio is a now a joke and a sad indictment on the town. Do they not have any shame??
Go PDB instead? ;) Didn't see one ounce of trouble there, when I've sometimes felt San An a bit edgy (combination of idiot tourists and pick-pocketing locals).
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The difference here is that its tourists that are been targeted. Dont think London, Paris or Dublin suffers from attacks on tourists walking down their main thoroughfares....

Prostitutes, Muggers and thiefs are usually confined to seedy areas
The difference here is that its tourists that are been targeted. Dont think London, Paris or Dublin suffers from attacks on tourists walking down their main thoroughfares....

Prostitutes, Muggers and thiefs are usually confined to seedy areas

Well i've seen it happen in London before so there goes that one out the window.
Didn't notice anything of the sort whilst I was out there in early June, but then we weren't out past 3am. We walked back through the streets, past Mambo and alongside that relatively dark path up to Kanya and didn't feel too unsafe; are these incidents happening closer to the west end/by the beach exclusively?
The amount of prostitutes, drug sellers and thief's in San Antonio is a now a joke...

Cheers for the heads up. I guess they've cottoned on that boozed up people are easy targets. As a solo traveller I'll be extra aware, but I very rarely get into a state where I can't assess the situation.
Didn't notice anything of the sort whilst I was out there in early June, but then we weren't out past 3am. We walked back through the streets, past Mambo and alongside that relatively dark path up to Kanya and didn't feel too unsafe; are these incidents happening closer to the west end/by the beach exclusively?

Yes the West End and the Promenade from the Port down along S'Arenal beach out to the Bay.

Cheers for the heads up. I guess they've cottoned on that boozed up people are easy targets. As a solo traveller I'll be extra aware, but I very rarely get into a state where I can't assess the situation.

Just be careful anyway. Dont make eye contact if anybody approachs wanting you to buy their services
I've been here in San An living close to the west end for 4 months now and I hate to say it but I rarely go out after 2am alone and rarely walk home alone. The promenade is particularly bad but the lack of street lights in most areas is definitely a problem.
All very unfortunate, but I have been advised all victims were sporting the vest and caps at a jaunty angle. I therefore rest my case.

Seriously, there are far more assaults in PDB, it is just that they never find the bodies.
when you are a tourist in any country you have to be very watchful because you're kind a "walkin purse full of euros" & not against only whore, pickpockets ...
Some french bouncer (guy who invite you to get in a bar & sell you tickets) try to trick me in ibz harbor (give the money for 3 pass to amnesia & came back pretending i give 1/100 of the money)..police came but they don't give a **** about you...look like they know the trick but close their yes..:rolleyes: look like a mafia stuff with clubbing business :x & everybody take their piece of cake..
never trust anyone one pretending to be your friend :lol:

The same happened in tourist place (i worked in a famous flew market in Paris & seeing pickpocket in action..i don't know why but they never get caught by the police:lol::victims are tourists & older people...)
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it's no different to any other town or city anywhere in the world.
Oh I hardly think so... I now live in Dorchester where their idea of a crimewave is a couple of shop windows broken on a Saturday night (and absurdly I'm not at all sure whether to be proud or ashamed of that fact!). I lived in Manchester for years where gun crime has become so common it only makes the national headlines if a child or a member of the general public is hurt or if someone is killed. I also lived in Accrington in East Lancashire for years where I knew 2 bank robbers, 3 murderers (two of which were good mates of mine at school) and a guy in my brother's year who was a serial rapist. You can't compare like that, it just doesn't work. The problem seems to be that after seemingly successfully clearing the streets of San Antonio of it's scum and detritus very well for a number of years something has changed and it just isn't working any more.
Before I judge too much, it would perhaps paint a clearer picture to know how many of the victims of crime (as well as the perpetrators) in San An have been off their nut at the time.

If you will insist on going abroad and getting in such a state then you increase the likelihood of being targeted for robbery and/or assault.
5pm on a Saturday afternoon and my friend walks into the pub and says two spanish men just offered him drugs, he said no then one tried to pickpocket him and the other tried to grab his arm...He was definitely sober and it's bloody bright sunlight here today!