
Former Radio 1 DJ Andy Peebles. I used to have a tape of Andy Peebles interviewing John Lennon. In it they discuss the bed-in and Lennon explains that they wanted to do something light-hearted because people like Ghandi, Martin Luther King and JFK who took it all seriously ended up getting shot. Peebles collapsed with shock when he got off the plane at the other end only to be informed that Lennon had been shot and killed whilst he was in mid-flight.
Former Radio 1 DJ Andy Peebles. I used to have a tape of Andy Peebles interviewing John Lennon. In it they discuss the bed-in and Lennon explains that they wanted to do something light-hearted because people like Ghandi, Martin Luther King and JFK who took it all seriously ended up getting shot. Peebles collapsed with shock when he got off the plane at the other end only to be informed that Lennon had been shot and killed whilst he was in mid-flight.

that interview is so good. It must've really haunted him for years after.

*I still find Lennon endlessly fascinating, even after all these years. So misunderstood. He did some bad things but he knew it and reformed completely. He could never be cancelled because he'd already cancelled himself by 1975. Really looking forward to the new Ian Leslie book.