Red Shoes....

I love red shoes - wear them with pride 8)

And as for the girl in the office asking to try them on and ponce around in your shoes, tell her to f*ck off! :lol::lol:

The girls I work with wouldn't know fashion if it hit them in the face. They go on these colour workshops and then spend the next 6 months wearing just the one colour that a woman at the workshop has told them is "their colour". They look dreadful! Oh, you have got me started now ... one of them insists on wearing vests in the office - she's about 16 stone, has a skin complaint and looks dreadful!! It's just not professional :spank:

I love a Friday rant :lol::lol:
I have decided to wear what I think are a nice red pair of shoes to work to "jazz" it up so to speak as its Friday and im out tonight.........anyway I have had nothing but the pi55 taken out of me for wearing them, you know when you think LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE ITS FRIDAY!!

Just been told:

They look like the Union Jack type shoes
They look like something Ginger Spice would wear
I look like Geri Halliwell
They will come in handy for when I "work" later

Anyone else work with boring colleague who have no fashion sense/think outside the box?

Im with you Emma! For red shoes read micropacers. My trainers of choice

I have a few pairs in different colours, some very rare. Frankly the Bentley of the trainer world. BUT El missus and some friends think not, 'here comes luke sky walker' they cry 'watch out here's michael johnson' when the gold ones get an airing


I dream of the white pair, but they go for about 300 quid, which I cant justify.

They dont do them in red tho so I cant show complete solidarity!
Kang - you are hilarious

I am wearing them loud and proud - I love my brightly coloured shoes, they only look so bright as I am wearing them with black tights. The people here are so ancient/not with it/been here for donkeys years.

I want to post a pic so you can share my loud and proudness- how do I do it :oops:

Just got back from lunch - I sit on reception - just been told by the lady who trained me that a certain director has asked that all lights in meeting rooms be switched off as it looks nicer and how the chairs in a certain room must be pulled slightly away from the table as they are making dents.

Some people really must have nothing to do.
Just got back from lunch - I sit on reception - just been told by the lady who trained me that a certain director has asked that all lights in meeting rooms be switched off as it looks nicer and how the chairs in a certain room must be pulled slightly away from the table as they are making dents.


my micropacers can do all that...and count paces. whoo hooo!
just found these puppies.


and low and behold UK colours are limited to white and black. and they dont ship to the UK :x