Red Bull Cola

maybe it´s only a marketinggag to relaunch that stuff
because it doesn´t sell good enough ?!?

Food and Drink | 23.05.2009


Cocaine traces in Red Bull Cola are "not harmful, but violate food law."
German food regulators discovered traces of cocaine in cans of Red Bull Cola
and the energy drink has been ordered off the shelves in some states.

Officials in Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Thuringia and Rhineland-Palatinate
have banned the drink after health officials noted trace amounts of cocaine
in cans of the cola.

"The coke is not harmful, but it violates food law," said Thomas Schulz,
a spokesman for the Thuringian Ministry of Health.

The North Rhine-Westphalia Institute for Health and Work (LIGA) found traces
of cocaine, from a leaf stem that had supposedly had all the cocaine extracted from it.
Therefore, according to the ministry, the cola should not be be classified as a
food product, but falls instead under the jurisdiction of the German Narcotics Act.

"Coca leaf extracts, without the active ingredient of cocaine,
are used worldwide for food flavorings and are completely safe,"
a Red Bull spokesman told the Frankfurter Neue Presse newspaper.

In the German state of Hesse, the Ministry of the Environment in Wiesbaden said
on Friday, May 22, that it had confirmed the presence of the coca leaf extract in the drink.
It noted that it was part of the recipe and that the product was not contaminated.
Therefore they have not issued a warning, but have ordered a recall of the product.

Officials at Red Bull took a different view of the situation,
and said that they had a different interpretation of the legality of coca products
being used as flavorings.

"We are of the opinion that our product is marketable," Frank Farnsteiner,
a spokesman for Red Bull, told German public radio.

maybe it´s only a marketinggag to relaunch that stuff
because it doesn´t sell good enough ?!? ...
redbullcola is back in the shops with exactly the same mixture -
so there is no doubt it was some sort of marketing-bull****
because it didn´t sell very good ...