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didn't he used to be in the audio bullys?


the dude on the left - raaaaaaaaaaaaa

I'm sure there was a point to it all - but that was the most entertaining telly in ages :p
as a rule though we don't generally do violent protest that well in the UK - always looks a bit amateurish. The British are much better at spontaneous drink-fuelled rage or football silliness but when it comes to political anger - we're much better in print than on the streets.

basically, the Europeans are much better at that sort of thing and the European cops tend to be much more melodramatic in their responses. Because the met were caught off guard, it was a rare instance when you had realtime unfolding drama on tv rather than the usual police 'kettling' approach which wears down the agitators from the start
The irony is that most of them are Tarquin's and Henry's from Middle England who can afford the fees. :rolleyes:

The crustys on the roof are excluded, they look like they just enjoy a good riot! Probably the same brains that smashed up John Lewis in the last anti capitalism demo / riot
Whilst Im all for abit of Young Ones esque anarchy this has seriously detracted from some serious issues which have hardly seen the light of day.
Did you know that there were actually hundreds if not thousands of university lecturers on the march not just students? And that what the government has done is completely cut its teaching budget , not just reduced it , its gone. Which will turn our historic university system into retail shops where people pay for a commercial product rather than something that is held in high regard and subsidised accordingly .
This is a massive underlying issue behind the hike in fee's that isnt being mentioned in the news reports at all
If the paying back only kicks in at 30 grand & it works out about 15 quid a week, i'm all for it. It should not put people off going as the payback is ok.

Loads of numpties go to uni as its the thing to do to get laid & smashed. Disco dancing BSc at bangor uni etc - these people need putting off tbh & anyway, the whole systems been unaffordable for decades.

Send in the army.
I think its paying back after 20grand as opposed to the current 17.
This will encourage more mickey mouse degree's tho as uni's have to attract students to pay their teachers where as before they had grants.
I think its paying back after 20grand as opposed to the current 17.
This will encourage more mickey mouse degree's tho as uni's have to attract students to pay their teachers where as before they had grants.

If it's 20 grand .... thats to low.

Whats a starting professional salary nowadays - say for a big bank or law firm - about 25-30? that would be about right & reflect the benefit that they get.
If the paying back only kicks in at 30 grand & it works out about 15 quid a week, i'm all for it. It should not put people off going as the payback is ok.

Loads of numpties go to uni as its the thing to do to get laid & smashed. Disco dancing BSc at bangor uni etc - these people need putting off tbh & anyway, the whole systems been unaffordable for decades.

Send in the army.

i think 25 - 30 as a starting salary is totally unrealistic for most graduates. Many cant get a job at all let alone 20k
Loads of numpties go to uni as its the thing to do to get laid & smashed.


in the 90s I went to university because that's what you did if you were middle class and had pushy parents - you did a degree because it seemed the next step up from your a level in the same subject. you didn't really ask any questions and were more interested in when the next shamen record was coming out

i had some fun but it was an unbelievable waste of time and money and did zero to prepare me for real life - basically 3 years destroying your liver in an effective holiday camp

there needs to be a debate about what studying is actually for and what a degree means, because governments inflated the numbers of students without ever really saying why - do we want the education system to churn out loads of middle managers or people with something to give back to society. It's a trully and utterly fcked system
I think its paying back after 20grand as opposed to the current 17.
This will encourage more mickey mouse degree's tho as uni's have to attract students to pay their teachers where as before they had grants.

International students having to pay four times the fees of uk based students, what would you do as FD of a university?

in the 90s I went to university because that's what you did if you were middle class and had pushy parents - you did a degree because it seemed the next step up from your a level in the same subject. you didn't really ask any questions and were more interested in when the next shamen record was coming out

i had some fun but it was an unbelievable waste of time and money and did zero to prepare me for real life - basically 3 years destroying your liver in an effective holiday camp

I went to Uni because it was an excuse to move to Manchester because of the Stone Roses, Happy Mondays and the Hacienda. I attended barely a single lecture in 2nd and 3rd year because I was managing a bar until 3 in the morning 7 nights a week. I still got a 2:1, which says more about the system than my genius (which, of course, undoubted).
. I attended barely a single lecture in 2nd and 3rd year because I was managing a bar until 3 in the morning 7 nights a week. I still got a 2:1, which says more about the system than my genius (which, of course, undoubted).

Coincidentally, this was my exact uni experience.

Managing a bar was also a fantastic route to the Polygamist lifestyle as depicted in Robders thread.:lol::lol:
I went to Uni because it was an excuse to move to Manchester because of the Stone Roses, Happy Mondays and the Hacienda. I attended barely a single lecture in 2nd and 3rd year because I was managing a bar until 3 in the morning 7 nights a week. I still got a 2:1, which says more about the system than my genius (which, of course, undoubted).

which bar?