Ooo west end debate!! my favourite!
Here's my xperience of the west end.
1. Read these forums and got the impression it was a nasty place that needed avoiding.
2. Went to Ibiza, avoided west end first day and a bit.
3. Went thru the west end on way to sunset strip - thort it looked ok.
4. Next night went to the west end, had an amazing night - no fights, no fools, just cheap beer, happy people and a good laugh.
5. Next night went to Privilege - had an ok night, over priced... 4am went bak to san an and hit the west end. Enjoyed.
6. Spent the rest of my hol visiting the west end everynight - either as a pre club warm up, post club cool down, or an all night bit of fun.
Yes I can see why some people may not like it, the music especially isn't great - but the west end isn't about that - it's about getting drunk and socialising (on the pull as some may say), something that is much harder to do in the clubs.
Nobody should say "The west end is full of prats" because it isn't.
Far from it.
My best night in ibiza was a nyt at the west-end, I spent far less than at the clubs, it was right on my doorstep, I saw no trouble, and met a lot of very pleasent people 8)