Well-Known Member
It's rather, let's say, interesting, that Ryanair wants to restrict drinking at the airport....but not on it's own planes where it sells alcohol with a very high mark-up. Hmmm.
There has to be a balance found between allowing holiday makers the chance to relax with a beer and keeping the flight nice and peaceful. Heard various solutions, I like the idea of planes and airports being dry before mid-day as generally the busy resorts have flights there and back several times a day so you can choose; a more difficult to administer option would be to allow the gate staff to breathalyse anyone they think may cause problems (if they refuse = no flight) and have a fixed no-fly limit; after all they aren't supposed to board drunk passengers are they? The two-drinks rule won't work as if your mate doesn't drink that's four pints coming your way...just drink his!
However delays are caused even if someone isn't allowed on, as if they have hold baggage that has to be removed as well, meaning planes often miss their slot.
But I think unless stag/hen parties and the like tone down their boozing, many airports and flights will become dry.
I couldn't agree less.
As others have said having a few beers at the airport and/or on the flight on the way to going on holiday is a ritual for some. I don't see why a few morons who can't control themselves are allowed to ruin that for the rest of us that can be responsible. Why should I not be allowed a beer at an airport because I've boarder a flight before midday?
For me its simple - give cabin crew the authority to make a judgement call on when someone is over the limit or being abusive and make the punishments harsh (e.g large fines, bans from air travel etc). It is the only way to get a message to people who are intent on ruining things for everyone else.