Price of booze

  • Thread starter Thread starter Harri
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How much would bottle of vodka or archers cost me in Ibiza in one of the supermarkets? (In pounds if possible!!- useless with euros at the mo!!)
ello harri i think if my memory serves me right its about £4 for vodka didnt buy archers but they have cheap versions of scnapps
I think it would be cheaper for you to just buy it in your own home town ;)
not quite sure what RJO is chatting about...needless to say buy it in ibiza its well cheap...lil hint there is a bar in west 4 bottles of bud and they chuck u in a bottle of vodka...a full size bottle we had 7 in our fridge
tis called Bar amsterdam or bar london u get a free litre of either vodka or peach scnapps...have a look in mixmag page 43 bottom right and ingest
jsmith4519 said:
tis called Bar amsterdam or bar london u get a free litre of either vodka or peach scnapps...have a look in mixmag page 43 bottom right and ingest

?? Not with you on the mixmag bit sorry!!!
mixmag the magazine...if u havnt got it buy it quick sharp it has a 15 page ibiza specail in it

if you by the cheap local snapps. it's about £6 a bottle. and about £8 for vodak.

also if you are in the west end. if you go to bar amsterdam and by 4 drinks i.e bud ect. you get a free litre of spirits either snapps or vodka.
Booze is well cheap in the supermarkets over there.

We bought a bottle of 70% absinthe for under 10 euros and used to get bottles of gin to drink on the balcony at about 4 euros each.
A large bottle of San Miguel to drink on the beach will come in at next to nothing-well under a euro.

A good tip:

As the price of beer in the bars is quite expensive, go to one of the supermarkets round the corner from say, the sunset strip and buy them in there and take them into the bar! It's a bit cheeky but will save you a fortune. Just make sure you get the same stuff that they sell in the bars!
Quote from me " i f***ing hate pikeys as well" they are a waste of space and if you are not carefull they will block pave your bedroom whilst u r out
no kitten i wasnt making out that u were...i can assure u i will be doing exactly what u said with the beer thing...i may be taking £1200 for the week but i am f***ed if i am paying a £5 a bottle
That's ok then ;)

A couple of my mates took the mick with it though by filling up an old coke bottle with vodka and orange and sitting outside Mambo.

Needless to say they were told to sling it.
kitten how do u get past the problem of 6€ bottles of there a tip i need know