Pre-Halloween Weekend Plans


I don't know about wherever you are, but her in Moskva there are a million Halloween parties coming up this weekend.

What's everyone up to?

Tonight - Big art exhibit opening and then some party thrown by Puma at another gallery (sports shoes and art... not sure what it's all about really :lol:)

Friday - Miller Halloween party at some secret location with Steve Lawler, Guy Gerber and Fund d'Void. 8)

Saturday - Flying to St Pete with a group of people for a random weekend adventure. Something about a theater opening party on Sat. night but not sure what else yet.

Sunday - Brunch with the group, walk around the city, fly back to Moscow.
Not sure.

Trade's birthday?
Trailer Trash? (they've got Weatherall)
Drunken night at the Joiners?

Going with the flow I guess.

Still recovering from recent tattoo session. One down four sessions to go. :cry:

It's a hellish process. :cry:
Lastnight - Muse gig in Glasgow - Started my weekend off superbly, fantastic visuals as always 8)
Fri - Work :(
Sat - Footy then halloween night out with the team in Glasgow - :)
Sun - Chill, feet up and watch the footy ;)
Foraging (I think we may at last be seeing some mushrooms!), getting fit, homemade Quiche Lorraine (;)) and other housey stuff.
Fri - Recovering after night shift then lots of wine to help my sleep pattern back to normal.

Sat - Taking down internal wall (which I put there 10 years ago:() in kitchen to extend worktop space, then local Italian ristorante for dinner.

Sun - Mild hangover, jumping in puddles and chasing rabbits.
Bon of a sitch!
Do you guys in the UK turn your clocks back this weekend?!
If so, I'll miss the 2nd half of Chelsea-Man U because I'll have to leave for the airport :evil:
Do you guys in the UK turn your clocks back this weekend?!

Yes, it's back to GMT for us this weekend. An extra hour in bed on Sunday = a bonus, only if I'm not out in which case, I won't get to appreciate it!

Too many Halloween parties going on tbh. Would be refreshing if at least one venue bucked with the trend.

That said, I'm off to Bedlam's annual Halloween party on Friday at the Tunnels, Fort Horsted to see Seth Troxler & Tim Green so should be good.

Debating putting in some vague effort on the fancy dress front.

Will be probably just be a pair of coloured contacts, and maybe some fake blood on a torn old shirt. Fancy dress is ridiculously expensive if you hire/buy an actual costume.
weekend activities will lack any sort of Halloween theme really....

tonight - dinner with the wife (still getting used to saying that!)

tomorrow - not a great deal, prob a film whilst staying in

sat - pub for the leaving do of a mate who is moving to Belfast (no, i have no idea why either!), but wont be a silly session due to ......

sun - Big One! Merseyside derby. early kick off, even earlier to the pub. post game drinks in celebration or devastation and watch the chelsea man u game.
Friday - make a halloween costume....Hopefully be offered one or even three jobs I've interviewed for this week so celebrate with a bottle of wine
Saturday - House halloween party, I'll only know a few people there so hopefully meet some nice new friends...
Sunday - Football day in the pub, dinner at mothers, dvd and cuddle on the sofa in the evening with new beau :)
Writing this weekend off after last weekend's ridiculous antics.

Friday - pub with a group of old mates, but going to make sure I don't get anywhere near drunk.

Saturday - taking apart furniture, moving stuff into a storage container I've rented ahead of moving into a new flat in town. Go into town, buy a new jacket for the winter and a birthday present for my brother. Might try to find someone to go out with for a quiet few or dinner or cinema in the evening, something like that.

Sunday - a miserable 12 hour day of working overtime in my grotty old oil refinery. Will be spending the day thinking about how the money I'm earning by working all these weekends is going to improve the rest of my year and the beginning of next, and buy the ex out of everything I want to take with me into my new place.
Saturday a mate is having a True Blood theme party/bbq at his house for around 60-70 people.Im guessing lots of tight vests,hot pants.check shirts and jeans:p:D Sunday: Maceo plex-Justin Robertson Christian Smith & Phil Kieran in 2 rooms for 15euro ten mins from my house..
That would be impressive.

Ironically I hate spiders so really hope that none mistake me for a real cobweb and decide to join me for the nights entertainment! I shall be sure to post pictures!

I have another halloween party on 9th November (late I know, its more of a 3 day rave in a mates house than a prty tbh) so need to think of something else fun by then!
Looks like I will be celebrating tomorrow night with a new job :)

Just now have to choose which one to take by tomorrow morning....ARGH difficult decison! :confused:
I want to work as much as I can... then maybe i will go out...