Possible murder investigation...

I am not anti authority but come on, some times they are too aggressive. Sure there are people that are doing terrible things but everyone has rights.
At least to be treated decently.

I am sure you do not have to be a criminal in order to be treaded poorly.
I have been stopped before, I was just remembering this. I was stopped when I was in Pamplona, wich is a huge event with thousands of people. The police just wanted to know what I had in my bag and where I was going. I co-operated. But it enfuriates me that people still think to this day that rights are only for those who are born with rights. Which is the way in which most spaniards , especially women think. Yea they can post how much brutality there is in America (u.s.a) and in other places of the world. But I have never seen dickheads such as the guardia civil. And it was not just me, they actually "look" to harras people. Last time in front of Ushuia some brit dude almost got arrested just for being drunk. He was not doing anything really wrong, I remember quite vividly. In my town- police, brand them as terrible as you want. But they often follow due process mainly because we live in a multicultural society, thus you cannot assume things about individuals just becuase they could not buy a $1000.00 bag or chair at high end store.

1)The key to anything is very simple: if you have done something wrong and you know it.
Pipe down, keep your head low and ask for legal representation a.s.a.p before talking to anyone.
2) If you have not done anything wrong co-operate.

But i fcking hate the way some spaniard women point their nose at you and then it is a big surprise down the road ahead with cops waiting for you to give you a nice search. And it is not just the spaniards women with all of the higher than thou sensitivy, it is the rich latin american travelers too that have ties to Spain. Not making things complicated but seriously some third world countries like Colombia, Venezuela and etc etc have high representation and ties to Spain and unfortunately they still think that race and class have co-relations. Jut the way things are down there, poor people always should get the brunt end of the stick and the worst part of all. This type of policing approach in spain is so old school and predictable like my anger here: protect those that pay you and have higher amount of interst in our duties to the public. Such a third world approach to policing. I hate latin america and its influence to policing.
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I watched 'Ciutat Morta' tonight, a documentary about 4 youths who were wrongly arrested, brutalised while in custody and subsequently sentenced for a crime they did not commit (the tragic hospitalisation of a police officer by some thug who dropped a plantpot on him from a balcony leaving him in a vegetative state) while going about their normal business in Barcelona on the 4th February 2006 (the case became known as 4F). One of those wrongly convicted, and the only female of the 4, was arrested while in hospital having fallen off her bike, she was unlucky enough to fall victim to a prejudiced police force who deemed her a criminal by the way she cut her hair, plucked from hospital while awaiting treatment and having had absolutely nothing to do with the incident itself. She later commited suicide unable to live with the pain of being jailed or stuck with the social stigma for a crime she did not commit. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the local court, backed up by the supreme court and establishment continue to hold the four responsible, seemingly so the city of Barcelona dodged picking up the tab for the police officer who was left with horrific injuries.

Scary stuff but definitely worth a watch. Subtitled version here...
and what the hell does my chair have to do with my lovely and very handsome picture of myself there uh? And the topic at hand? Which is clearly police brutality??

what do you care where I got my chair from??
are you mocking me?
Fair to say i'm no great fan of the spanish police either but year after year they & their countrymen are provoked by lairy brits treating them like peasants. It's no wonder they're gonna sometimes flip. Two sides to every story...
That's part and parcel of the job they do. They are and should be trained for situations like this, not lose thier heads and beat f*** out of someone just for being provoked. A poor lad has lost his life when he should of been having the time of his life. So, no, there isn't 2 sides to this particular story as it's ended in the worst possible way. I hope justice is forthcoming for these heavy handed cnuts, but I won't hold my breath. R.I. P
Actually is a nice chair. Darker beige color with dots. If you were to see it is not bad. People do not comment on it so negatively , it was brand new bought it for $100.00

I was looking at it. It is a nice chair. I just placed it in a random place and took a picture, the sweater is roots which is a Canadian brand.

Any further questions about superficial tastes?
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That's part and parcel of the job they do. They are and should be trained for situations like this, not lose thier heads and beat f*** out of someone just for being provoked. A poor lad has lost his life when he should of been having the time of his life. So, no, there isn't 2 sides to this particular story as it's ended in the worst possible way. I hope justice is forthcoming for these heavy handed cnuts, but I won't hold my breath. R.I. P

how do you know what actually happened? Unless you were there at the scene. Because if you weren't, then you know as much as I do. Which is nothing. And in which case your post is just based on anti-spanish prejudice
Guys, the guy was rowdy in the airplane he angered the staff he was removed and then he ended up dead.

Now that is an unfortunate series of events. You think someone looking to party is up for a battle with armed guards? The onus is on the police to explain what happened since he was in their custody.
rowdy people on planes are a real problem. We had some behind us on a plane to malaga. One was so drunk he tried to open the door midflight! Staff were nearly in tears. I say minimum 5-10 years in jail. The Guardia were waiting. Now the Spanish police aren't like uk cops. They don't give a shit about your human rights. These guys are almost militaristic in thinking. So there's no point complaining about it. Best policy therefore is to keep your head down and not be a dick.
Almost militaristic?

Plus last time I checked Ireland is not flagged as a terrorist hotbed. Maybe land of sein fein in the past.
I am really sorry about what happened. R.I.P. to the guy. He should have gone straight to the hospital instead of his hotel.

P.s. and surely not like Canadian cops for the most part
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how do you know what actually happened? Unless you were there at the scene. Because if you weren't, then you know as much as I do. Which is nothing. And in which case your post is just based on anti-spanish prejudice
how do you know what actually happened? Unless you were there at the scene. Because if you weren't, then you know as much as I do. Which is nothing. And in which case your post is just based on anti-spanish prejudice
He was in police care, therefore he should of been in safe hands. Nothing to do with Spanish prejudice. The fact he has inflicted such injuries tells me foul play somewhere along the line don't you think?? The police deny or knowledge, yet witness statements and his statement suggests otherwise.
Actually is a nice chair. Darker beige color with dots. If you were to see it is not bad. People do not comment on it so negatively , it was brand new bought it for $100.00

I was looking at it. It is a nice chair. I just placed it in a random place and took a picture, the sweater is roots which is a Canadian brand.

Any further questions about superficial tastes?
I'll take your word for it pal.
It is in excellent condition , why you want to buy it ??
You guys are nuts , I upload a picture of me and guys talk about a chair.
He was in police care, therefore he should of been in safe hands. Nothing to do with Spanish prejudice. The fact he has inflicted such injuries tells me foul play somewhere along the line don't you think?? The police deny or knowledge, yet witness statements and his statement suggests otherwise.

I agree with you on this. Regardless of what the boy was or was not doing, the injuries seemingly inflicted (and denied by el fuzz) on him suggest responsibility lies with the guardia.

But also agree with don pablo, keep your head down, don't give them a reason and you're highly unlikely to find trouble.

I try not to get pissed up getting on planes these days. Been there done that etc. Can get somewhat rowdy myself after a few. Nothing a few Lo Sientos y Soy Escoces wouldn't fix though.
Everyone seems to have missed the point that the police said that he had no head injuries BUT the Irish state pathologist has announced that there were clear head injuries...

The question is, why lie about that??
I agree with you on this. Regardless of what the boy was or was not doing, the injuries seemingly inflicted (and denied by el fuzz) on him suggest responsibility lies with the guardia.

But also agree with don pablo, keep your head down, don't give them a reason and you're highly unlikely to find trouble.

I try not to get pissed up getting on planes these days. Been there done that etc. Can get somewhat rowdy myself after a few. Nothing a few Lo Sientos y Soy Escoces wouldn't fix though.
Exactly if they were acting like twats on the plane they should rightly be punished, jail, heavy fine etc but not have the shite beaten out of them, or have inflicting injuries while in police care. I commented on Pablo as he said there was 2 sides to every story, not in this case as there has been a fatality, so nothing the police say can really clear them of any wrong doing.
Hey man , stop talking about murder and my chair. I don't deserve the electric chair treatment. Death row records talk.

Who is more bad ass spetnazs or Guardia civil ?
Everyone seems to have missed the point that the police said that he had no head injuries BUT the Irish state pathologist has announced that there were clear head injuries...

The question is, why lie about that??

Regardless of what the boy was or was not doing, the injuries seemingly inflicted (and denied by el fuzz) on him suggest responsibility lies with the guardia.

Anyway i hope they get them but i can't see it somehow. The guardia will close ranks. Would take some kind of pressure politically i think.

In the 4F case i posted about earlier, two of the coppers who beat up those kids were later jailed because in a separate case they took a black guy from trinidad and tobago out of a club while off duty, took him to the copshop, beat him within an inch of his life and tried to justify it by saying he tried to sell them 20 euros of soapbar. Except, he was the son of a diplomat and had his full expenses met while he was a student in Barcelona . They were deemed to be racist and guilty of assault and falsifying police reports.


The authorities won't reopen the 4F case.