Picking up girls in the clubs

If your game isn't tight, the best way I've found is to make sure you're having fun not dependant on pulling girls.

You should go out with the mindset of making sure you have the best time you can possibly have and be genuinely excited about where you are and the music. Head out with this mindset and you'll naturally attract people, including girls.

Talk to and have fun with as many people as possible, not just girls. Also, normally you can't just go up and start dancing with a girl expecting to get anywhere without building some kind of rapport first, unless you're really good looking and exude a natural charm, especially in Ibiza where music comes first (in most places!). Queues and smoking areas are brilliant for meeting people. And don't be obvious in trying it on with multiple girls in front of each other. They hate that.

This has worked for me. Hope it helps!
All that has been stated ..especially the long comment up there that everyone likes is something that comes naturally. Everyone of us has implemented these "strategies" innately. No matter how tight or "lose" your "game" is. In a global sense women tend to flock to security in the long term.
Walk to the fountains at the bottom of the west end strip at about 6/7am. You will find a couple of girls vomiting and/or asleep on the floor in need of some place to stay.
Girls love drugs just as much if not more than blokes. Be sociable with your wrap of gear/pills whatever it is your taking and they will hang around you like flys round sh*t. As the ngt is coming to an end mention your carrying on the party back at yours they will come just for the free gear then once your there the hard part is done. The birds back at yours and its only a matter of time before all the drugs are gone and you just end up shagging because theres nothing else left to do. Obviously all of this does involve you being able to at least hold a semi decent conversation with a girl. Otherwise they will just sniff your gear take your pills and disappear.
This is overstated. However trust is always an issue obviously. It is ibiza everyone indulges in something or other at some point.
Girls love drugs just as much if not more than blokes. Be sociable with your wrap of gear/pills whatever it is your taking and they will hang around you like flys round sh*t. As the ngt is coming to an end mention your carrying on the party back at yours they will come just for the free gear then once your there the hard part is done. The birds back at yours and its only a matter of time before all the drugs are gone and you just end up shagging because theres nothing else left to do. Obviously all of this does involve you being able to at least hold a semi decent conversation with a girl. Otherwise they will just sniff your gear take your pills and disappear.

Is the rest of that sentence really necessary ?
Well, looking at the first few replies, I thought that this thread is going to be filled with jokes and harassment, but after reading the other replies, I am really grateful. Thank you to everyone who understand my problem and know exactly how I feel after the last vacation, who are giving me advice, you are all awesome :) Keep them coming! This community rocks!
You may be bang out of luck if they introduce these in Ibiza mate ;)
