PHOTOS - winter 2011/2012

that cave is an amazing place. we were there just as the sun was setting.powerful to say the least!
various locations - 1/3/12

balearics day, lovely lovely lovelyyy.....







a normal sunday afternoon in ibiza..... how was yours?

How might one find Festival Club? Are there any photos/articles of it in it's heyday?

I'm always amazed when I see pictures of the nick its in now, trying to imagine the kind of parties that must have gone on there in the past - its surely on the same scale as Ku must have been back in the day, or even bigger? Are there any stories about it?? Who owns the land now? When did it close, or did it ever even open??!

Edit : Found this - >

Which gives a run down (mind the pun) of it's brief history...

But.... any pics of it in its heyday anywhere??
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I don't think it was anything like ku,more a purpose built place for coach parties to go and enjoy chicken and chips with a bit of wholesome entertainment before their late night cuppa.

Maybe the odd exception.......?

ps. so slow,phil updated before I posted...
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