Phone went for a swim in my rose...HELP!!


Active Member
So yet again, ones self was fairly...ok no,i was battered on Saturday night, drinking pints of rose in a field with all the RAF Fire Rescue time ;) 8) and somehow i managed to drop my precious Blackberry in my drink :evil:

I am now without a working BB and im not coping very well :(

Alot of people said different things on how to dry it out but its still coming up with one white evil screen :spank:

Any suggestion ?! or does anyone know how much they are gona rip me off for fixing it ?! I would buy a new one but that means dipping into the Ibiza funds and thats happening too often lately.

HELP !!!
So yet again, ones self was fairly...ok no,i was battered on Saturday night, drinking pints of rose in a field with all the RAF Fire Rescue time ;) 8) and somehow i managed to drop my precious Blackberry in my drink :evil:

I am now without a working BB and im not coping very well :(

Alot of people said different things on how to dry it out but its still coming up with one white evil screen :spank:

Any suggestion ?! or does anyone know how much they are gona rip me off for fixing it ?! I would buy a new one but that means dipping into the Ibiza funds and thats happening too often lately.

HELP !!!

You won't fix it.

If a handset gets water ingress it's only a matter of time before it dies unless the amount of water is minimal and it's immediately dried out.

The best way to do this is to switch it off immediately then remove all covers, battery, sim, sd card etc. and surround it in dried (uncooked) rice as this will draw all the moisture away, much as it does in a salt pot in St Antoni ;)

Then place in a warm, dry place such as an airing cupboard and leave for at least 6 hours.

IF it turns on, grab as much data from it as possible as the clock is ticking before it dies...
If you know anyone who works in a lab or has access to a vacuum oven , ask them to put it in that at approx 50degC and full vacuum. It will suck the moisture out and increase the chance of it working long enough for you to extract numbers, data etc. Older phones sometimes used to be able to make a full recovery using this method.
I dipped the bottom of a rucksack into some beach/rock pool once in Ibiza and killed my phone. If electronics get wet then that's usually it.

My advice? Drink rose by the glass, not by the pint. ;)
I heard the rice thing a few times but i think its a bit too late for that. I kept it in the airingcupboard all night and blasted it with a hair dryer, but nothing :(

Anyone know how much im gona be looking at to get it fixed ?! :spank:
Do you have any insurance or anything on it?

haha me insurance ?! no lol

My work mate just asked the same, if i had insurance this thread wouldnt of been made :p

Someone else at work said rice aswell but i dont see that happening :(
Can you not take out insurance?

Orange let me do that when mine broke, I paid a one off fee of £15 and they replaced for me - you might have to lie about how you actually broke it though......
Sometimes, phone damage can be covered under your home insurance.
Double check the policy, as you may be able to make a claim against it.
Sometimes, phone damage can be covered under your home insurance.
Double check the policy, as you may be able to make a claim against it.

With a £100 excess and then watch your home insurance double next year, probably not the smartest move.

Only one option, as someone has said above, drink out of a normal wine glass and buy a new phone. Job done.
Cheap "pay as you go" phone on your network is the only way forward if you need all your Dollar for Ibiza.
A hairdrier compounds the problem by blowing the moisture further around the handset.

The link above is worth a try. If there was a memory card in the phone, hopefully some of the apps were set to store data on that rather than the mass memory?

Worth getting a USB adapter to take a look?
Jam Man - Yeah just read the same about the hairdryer thing, ooops too late already blasted my poor mobiley :lol:

Emma - Im gona pop to o2 later and say 'my phone just errrr broke and i was totally sober' :lol:

My Contract isnt up for another 4 months, do you reckon they might be able to renew that now, or is 4 months a bit too early ?!

As for the drinking out of a normal glass, i normally would but we were in a field 8)
Jam Man - Yeah just read the same about the hairdryer thing, ooops too late already blasted my poor mobiley :lol:

Emma - Im gona pop to o2 later and say 'my phone just errrr broke and i was totally sober' :lol:

My Contract isnt up for another 4 months, do you reckon they might be able to renew that now, or is 4 months a bit too early ?!

As for the drinking out of a normal glass, i normally would but we were in a field 8)

Orange are a55holes when it comes to upgrading strict...even when you have been a loyal customer for years!

I agree with what someone said about the cheap pay as you go phone just to tide you over, be careful though as Ive done this before and sometimes you dont get all functions - as in if you have a BB obviously your sim is probably more updated
Got an old skool Nokia going atm 8) so im not completly cut off, just miss my BB coz of all the things im used to having on it :cry: sad times
Water ingress is easy for the repair centre to spot, so I wouldn't try bluffing it.

Better to call Orange and ask how long is left on your contract and mention that Voda / O2 etc. have the new XXX Phone on offer and you want to know how long before you can leave...

They might put you through to retention who will try to keep you with an offer but these are usually 24 Month contracts...
My best mate said sometimes they allow you to renew 3 months before, spose it depends on the network and what member of staff you get, im gona go for a young male ;) :lol:

If O2 cant do me a decent enough deal then i will go and get it repaired.

Dont really wana be getting into a 24 month contract do i ?!
Water ingress is easy for the repair centre to spot, so I wouldn't try bluffing it.

Better to call Orange and ask how long is left on your contract and mention that Voda / O2 etc. have the new XXX Phone on offer and you want to know how long before you can leave...

They might put you through to retention who will try to keep you with an offer but these are usually 24 Month contracts...

Orange will allow you to renew. But, they attach you remaining contract on to the new contract. I'm on a 27 month contract as a result of this.