Kim Wrong Un
Active Member
....and going even further back: when prog house was a thing
Ive got all those on vinyl (sorry, records....and going even further back: when prog house was a thing
Ive got all those on vinyl (sorry, records)
Fair just apologised for writing something correctly.
on the other hand, people who write vinyls are the spawn of satan
fuk, thats goodon totally different note, whatever happened to Spiritcatcher?
they produced some beauts 10 years back, in that nu-disco vein (probably inspired by Metro Area)
Fair play.
Is 'wax" okay?
I'm only yankin' yer chain dudeyou need to ask the youth really. Am not in the know (not sure I ever was)
in the past people (tim westwood) might be heard to say
mans picked up some dope wax. serious acetate revival pressure
but I don't know if these sentiments still have a place in the laptop age.