Hed Kandi, Thank you, thank you, thank you, for what i can only describe as the best clubbing night of my life. It was a blinder. I must say every single one of the Kandi crew is top. Always willing to chat and have a laugh with you. Mark Doyle, never change this formula, it is blended to perfection, John Jones, I owe you big time for introuducing this world to me, Hattie Lovehearts, i am not gonna hold back, I love you, please come and play in birmingham soon. Matt Collins, i only saw you for a few minutes, but you are a top bloke and finally Andy Norman, just there to have fun, but your a star.Cheers to you all for makeing it a very special weekend for me.
If anyone wants some pics just let me know.
Cheers again and Hattie i am serious, I love you.
Lil' Joey
If anyone wants some pics just let me know.
Cheers again and Hattie i am serious, I love you.
Lil' Joey